World Unity Essential

World Unity Essential

Vital "Testimony" Counsels reprinted.

Ellen G. White

A wealth of valuable Spirit of prophecy counsels, in the form of periodical articles, lie scattered through the old files of the Review, Signs, General Conference Bulletin, and other papers of the eighties and nineties of the past century, and the first fourteen years of the twentieth. Many of these have never been reprinted in book or other form, and so are inaccessible to most of our workers. From these, a series of choice coun­sels and admonitions pertaining to the special responsibilities, dangers, and opportunities faced by our gospel workers today, will appear from month to month under this new sectional heading. Harmoniz­ing with later instruction from Mrs. White—to gather up and reprint these periodical articles that are all too easily forgotten—this new section will, we are confi­dent, be welcomed by all, and it should Prove of defi­nite, present value and guidance. We thank God for the unique counsel graciously vouchsafed this people through this gift.—The Editor.

Before I came to Europe, the situation and condition of different nationalities were presented before me. I was shown that of necessity there must be a different mold given to the spirit and the workings of these different people, or there would be developed in each nationality a selfish disposition to build up a separate interest. The very first work that God would have us do is to seek to unite the interests of the brethren of dif­ferent nationalities, that there may be a blend­ing together of sympathies and forces in the work. Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven, and prayed to the Father in behalf of His church. He said, "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; that they all may be one." . . .

There is one God, one faith, one baptism. There is one Lord Jesus, who must abide in the soul of every one of these brethren. When the brethren of one nationality separate them­selves from the brethren of another nationality, to build up a separate interest, they are doing that which God never designed should be done. The very same truth which sanctifies my heart will sanctify the hearts of brethren of other nations. The fact that my brethren and sisters are obliged to talk another language is no reason that their characters should not be fashioned according to the one true Pattern, Christ Jesus. In order to be fitted for heaven they need the same discipline that I need. . . .

Heart to Blend With Heart

As you learn the lesson of meekness, as you become one with Christ as He is one with the Father, you will draw together. The brethren of different nationalities will have but one interest and hope and work. You will not feel that because the French have habits of thought and action to which you are not accustomed, you must divorce your interests from theirs. The Germans will not feel that because they have some good ideas and cus­toms, they can never learn of others. Every follower of Christ must come to the foot of the cross. I must not say to my French brother, "You stand on that side of the cross, because that is your place," and to my German brother, "You stand on that side, and I will stand on this side because I am English."

We must seek for unity and harmony. We should seek for the deep movings of the Spirit of God, that the sweet spirit of Christ may blend heart with heart. When we reach this union, God will let His rich blessing rest upon us as He let it rest upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost, and then we shall be able to go forth to proclaim the message of love and mercy to all nations. . . .

All Who Name the Name to Be One

There must be no separate interest. Dis­tinctions must be broken down, that we may all meet together as brethren of the same household. And this unity must exist before the foreign work will have the strength that it is possible for it to have.

Our work is to elevate one another as brethren. We are to feel a Christian interest for one another and for everyone,—for Germans, French, Italians, English, Scandi­navians,—for souls of all nationalities. All who name the name of Christ are to be one in Him. Then do not divide the body, but seek to worship God together as brethren.—Mrs. E. G. White, in Review and Herald, Nov. 12, 1889. (Portion of sermon, Basel, Switzerland, Feb. 22, 1887.)

Press Together

There is a great work to be done in our world. Last evening the question came up in regard to our Scandinavian brethren. It was asked whether they should divide into different sections, according to their nationalities. I was in Europe for two years, and two or three times I visited the various places where our work had, been established there. Some such questions as this came up before us then, and the light that was given me was that the different nationalities were not to divide up into separate companies, but were to press together just as much as possible. God wants unity to be seen among these different na­tionalities. Each should try to learn the lan­guage of the other, so that they can all assem­ble in conference, and understand what is said. Should they divide into different companies, making no effort to unify, there would be little prospect of their being able to meet to­gether at general meetings.—Mrs. E. G. White, in General Conference Bulletin, April 10, 1901.

Ellen G. White

February 1939

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Christology of Islam—No. 2

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