Heads Cool and Nerves Steady
In times of great crisis, there are certain human tendencies, or weaknesses, that must be guarded against. Perhaps the two most dangerous are panic and paralysis.
Education of Native African Women
This message appears in response to a request for an article on the strengthening of women's education in our mission work in Africa.
The Seriousness of Mission Calls
O be a worker for God in any capacity is a wonderful privilege and blessing. He who has been chosen as an ambassador for Christ, and as a representative of His cause in the world, has had bestowed upon him a tremendous and sacred responsibility.
The Meaning of Atonement
Brief Bible studies in the light of the original meaning of atonement.
Reverence in Divine Worship
Reverence is not a feeling produced by physical environment. It is an attitude produced by the soul's innermost experience.
Privileges and Pitfalls of Song Leading
The one who leads the music in an evangelistic service has a most responsible position, for he holds the key to the first impressions of the audience. The song leader meets the public first.
Ants Humble High Authorities
Why, on strictly scientific grounds, do we reject the supposed long geologic ages?