Unique Openings for Bible Work

Present-day conditions have brought a new em­phasis to the whole question of religious education for children in public schools. As revealed in this article Miss Zeelau has seized an opportunity which fitted into a Lutheran community.

By HELEN ZEELAU, Bible Instructor, St. Paul, Minnesota

Present-day conditions have brought a new em­phasis to the whole question of religious education for children in public schools. As revealed in this article Miss Zeelau has seized an opportunity which fitted into a Lutheran community. Bible instructors with a Normal training could here excel in conduct­ing midweek instruction classes in religion. These Bible classes make a real appeal to Christian Parents who are concerned about the bible's being taught to their children. A Bible instructor mialit make these instruction groups, if handled tactfully, an opportu­nity to break down prejudice in a community. At the same time, in places where Seventh-day Adventist children do not enjoy the privileges of a church school, such instruction would surely receive hearty commendation by the church.

L. C. K.

A woman I have been studying with, for­merly a Catholic, became very much inter­ested in our doctrines and teachings. She bought nearly all our larger books and has been studying diligently. I believe that she will accept our truth in the near future, but she is very thorough in her studying and apparently is not rushing herself to a decision. With patience and the proper appeal I hope to see her take her stand with God's people shortly. She has a daughter whom she has taken out of the Catholic school and enrolled in public school.

In the public schools of South St. Paul an hour is given every Wednesday morning for the children to be excused from their classes to attend religious instruction in their own churches. Instead of attending a local church for her religious instruction, her daughter has received permission from the principal to come to her own home and study with me. They have opened their home for any of the other children who would like to come for religious study.

In this way we have started a little class, and it is growing. These children seem very much interested. We are using the church school Bible textbooks for our basic study. There is no Adventist church or school in South St. Paul; therefore we are very grateful to this woman for opening her home to us, although as yet she is not a member. She is continuing with her studies also, after the children's class is over.

I thought I would pass this information on, as it might well be worked out in other localities where time is given for church school instruc­tion once a week. Perhaps other Bible instruc­tors and church school teachers could arrange such classes for children of non-Adventist fami­lies. The plan may later lead to greater interest on the part of the parents of these children, for I plan soon to visit the parents of each child and try to bring them some of the truths that have been given to their children. According to the interest shown by the parents, I shall try to find opportunity to study with them also. I find many people are anxious that their chil­dren be taught the truths and doctrines con­tained in the Bible.

Another interesting venture that we are going to try soon in South St. Paul is a Sunday school. As we do not have a church to hold these serv­ices in, we were made happy when the director of a very beautiful funeral home told a colpor­teur that he would be glad to let us use his chapel for any service we wished. We are planning to try holding this Sunday school in his chapel, and also to have a Sunday evening meeting for adults. We are grateful for this possibility. This feature could be worked out in other places, as a funeral parlor offers a very suitable place to hold studies. It is also a help to the funeral director, who finds that in this way people become acquainted with him and his services.

By HELEN ZEELAU, Bible Instructor, St. Paul, Minnesota

January 1943

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