A Reading Schedule for Modern Philips
Those who systematically follow the United Study Plan year by year are its best promoters.
Activities of the Minister's Wife
What are the possibilities for minister's wives in the work of God?
That the Ministry Be Not Blamed
Every Seventh-day Adventist young man is called and expected to be a witness for God—but not everyone is called to the gospel ministry.
Special Publicity Features in Evangelism
Paper presented at the Columbia Union ministerial institute.
Singing Evangelists and Speaking Evangelists
Presented at Southwestern Union ministerial institute.
Psychology and Psychiatry Often Overrated
I wonder whether we are aware of the dangers of the new modernism which is creeping into the prominent religious world?
Holy Spirit in Preaching—No. 2
A fifth manifestation of the Holy Spirit's power in preaching is the quickening of the conscience.
Jehovah's Witnesses Reviewed
The sect, Jehovah's Witnesses, had their origin about seventy-five years ago, but did not gain their present strength until about twenty-five years ago.