Television and Telestatus
A more appropriate time could not be chosen to stimulate our thinking along channels of television.
The Appeal of the Covenant of Grace
Let us count that study of sacred doctrine lost which has failed to prick the heart with some spiritual point or with an appeal that draws the soul nearer to its God.
Our Books in Public Libraries
Thousands are asking, "Who are these Adventists anyway? What is their origin? What do they believe? What are they teaching, and why?"
The Bible—Its Origin and Canon
The following material is the first lesson from a series on doctrinal Bible studies for the layman by Miss Mary Walsh.
Musicians of the Remnant Church
To the remnant church God has given every gift of His Holy Spirit that the harvest of the earth might be prepared for His coming.
Spiritual Standards for Musicians
The motto of the American Guild of Organists is one which every church musician would do well to study. We reproduce it in full, believing that our church leaders will be interested to see that a cultural group such as the guild of organists recognizes and emphasizes the spiritual standards essential for all true worship.
"Exercising the Oversight"
To be set as an overseer of the flock of God entails a tremendous and sacred responsibility, one that no minister can accept lightly.
Needless and Faulty Repetition
Shall I tell him his mistake?" It was a layman speaking, as our paths crossed the other day.
In the Time of Old Age
How often do those who have passed the strength of manhood cling to the hope of accomplishing some great work upon whiclr their hearts are set, but which they are unfitted to perform. God may speak to them, as did the prophet to David, declaring that the work which they so much desire is not committed to them.