Closer Coordination Needed

Close coordination between the minister and a diligent colporteur evangelist can bring fruitful results in soulsaving.

By MELVIN V. DORAN, Publishing Department Secretary, New Jersey Conference

Close coordination between the minister and a diligent colporteur evangelist can bring fruitful results in soulsaving. Not only can the colporteur aid the pastor in preparing the field for evangelism, but he can follow up interested ones who have listened to radio broadcasts and attended our public meetings, by placing literature in their hands that will help to ground them more firmly in the mes­sage. Little did I realize the significance of this combined effort until I accepted an invitation to spend a week with Robert A. Tyson, follow­ing up radio and public-meeting interest and the many he had enrolled in the Twentieth Century Bible Course.

It was thrilling to see how eager these peo­ple were to learn more about the message, and when we presented our truth-filled books, such as Bible Readings, The Desire of Ages, and Patriarchs and Prophets, they readily pur­chased them. In fact, one woman who mani­fested great concern for the truth, but who held back in taking her stand, because of her hus­band's severe opposition, exclaimed while we were showing the Bible Readings to her, "I can hardly wait until I get that book into my hands!" She was filled with joy because we brought such a beautiful volume to her home, and purchased it for cash in the de luxe binding. We took the opportunity to encourage her and pray with her concerning the problem that she was having in the home. Even though she has not taken her stand for the truth publicly, she is endeavoring to live up to all the light she has received.

"Exalt the Value of the Books"

Men of influence and authority appreciate the literature that Seventh-day Adventists print. After spending a few minutes with an attorney, who is also a city commissioner, we showed him The Desire of Ages and Bible Readings in the de luxe bindings. He did not hesitate to write out a check for these volumes when he had finished looking through them, for he recognized their value, and he expressed himself very favorably concerning the material they contained. How forcibly this statement comes to my mind when I realize what promi­nent men of the world think of our literature : "Exalt the value of the books you offer. You cannot regard them too highly."—Colporteur Evangelist, p. 82.

It was our privilege to call on the comp­troller of the same city in which the attorney resides. We were overjoyed to find that he was pursuing the Twentieth Century Bible Course. He appreciates very much the book Daniel and the Revelation, which he has in his possession. When he was shown Bible Readings he was convinced that he should also add this volume to his library, so he gladly bought it. Before leaving we spent a few minutes with him and his wife in prayer. When they rose from their knees tears filled their eyes. Surely it can be said of these good people, "Thou art not far from the kingdom of God."

Like Nicodemus of old, these men of distinc­tion may hold back in openly declaring the truth, but the day will come when the things they have listened to over the radio, in public meetings, through the study of the Bible courses, and from the books they have pur­chased will take root and spring forth into frui­tion. They will find themselves bowing at the foot of the cross in contrition, seeking the blood of Jesus to cleanse them from their sins. "Men of wealth and influence will come if they are invited. Some will refuse, but, thank God, not p. 32.

Waiting to Be Gathered In

As we visited a woman who had attended some of Elder Tyson's meetings and was en­rolled in the Twentieth Century Bible Course, we were brought to realize how God's Spirit is quietly working in the hearts of men and women. She seemed so happy that we called. After carefully examining Bible Readings and The Desire of Ages, she took them in the linen bindings. She asked a number of questions con­cerning the truth, and when we had finished studying and praying with her she said, "If you will wait long enough, I will become one of you."

Many such experiences could be related. Many intelligent, God-fearing people are wait­ing for someone to open the Word of God to them and to bring them message-filled books, such as we have. Every one of them knows that we are Seventh-day Adventists, and is ac­quainted with the standards we bold and the doctrines we teach. By receiving the volumes that we left with them, these people will become strengthened in the truths they have learned through the voice of the living preacher.

"I have been instructed that even where the people hear the message from the living preacher, the canvasser should carry on his work in cooperation with the minister ; for though the minister may faithfully present the message, the people are not able to retain it all. The printed page is therefore essential, not only in awakening them to the importance of the truth for this time, but in rooting and grounding them in the truth, and establishing them against deceptive error."—Ibid., p. 8.

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By MELVIN V. DORAN, Publishing Department Secretary, New Jersey Conference

December 1949

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