Fanciful Allusions on Perpetual Virginity
The Bible student could never believe that Mary lived in a state of perpetual virginity after Christ was born. The Word of God has this to say, "Then Joseph . . . took unto him his wife: and knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son." Matt. 1:24, 25. The Catholic Church teaches that Mary lived in a state of chastity even after Christ was born. "Mary then was the Virgin Mother of God. She remained in perpetual virginity." WILLIAM A. ADDES, Catholic Dictionary, p. 556.
About the middle of the fourth century there were certain of the church fathers who began expressing their belief that the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem had consecrated women who had taken the vows of chastity. Mary, they concluded, was one of them and consequently had taken the vow of perpetual virginity and remained in this state until her death. Joseph, Mary's husband, was regarded as an ascetic who gave himself to a life of devotion, self-denial, and piety. However, in opposition to this there were those who held a more natural view of the married life of Mary and Joseph, believing they lived in a state of matrimony actuated by the most scrupulous regard to probity and honor.
When we read the material that came from the much-venerated fathers of the church, sup porting the idea that Mary lived in a state of perpetual chastity throughout her life, we cannot but conclude that such reasoning is puerile. However unreasonable and un-Scriptural a doc trine may be, when it is agitated and supported by the clergy it does not take long for the credulous laity to accept it. This insidious teaching brought about the extravagant honors conferred on Mary, which led to her adoration and worship as "the Mother of God."
Saint Jerome, in the year A.D. 387, wrote a treatise on what is known as "Always Virgin." There were many of his contemporaries who disagreed with his views, and as a result, the subject was a much debated one covering a period of years. It was at the Council of Chalcedon, A.D. 451, attended by about six hundred bishops, that Mary's perpetual virginity was finally confirmed and became a part of Catholic doctrine.
Exaltation of Mary Prohibited
The expositor of the Bible could never find where Christ ever exalted His mother above any of His followers. The Son of God was most emphatic about this matter when He was told that His mother and brethren desired to speak to Him. His answer, was: "Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For who so ever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." Matt. 12:48-50. On another occasion when a woman blessed Mary, who gave birth to Jesus and who fed Him, we have this reply on record: "But he said, Yea, rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." Luke 11:28. Christ had profound respect for His mother, but He silenced for ever the idea of Mary's future beatification or canonization.
Had these words of Christ been always heeded by those who profess to follow Him, we would never be called upon to witness the exaltation of the virgin Mary. The prayers that are offered to her by pious votaries would never be uttered if the words of our Saviour were adhered to. Neither would we have a statue, shrine, or pilgrimage to Mary if the Holy Scriptures were not set aside and their teachings ignored and superseded by human councils and dogmas.
The Marian Congress, which was held at Ottawa, Canada, in 1947, would never have taken place if the church were following the counsel of the Word of God. This congress was an outstanding event and one that received a great deal of publicity. Its purpose was to exalt the virgin Mary and pay her the highest honors. A huge statue of Mary was placed on a globe of the world, which was on top of a tower 115 feet high. The "Queen of Heaven," as she was called, wore a crown bedecked with stars. The words "To Jesus Through Mary" were written in Latin on the figure, a clear fulfillment of Romans 1:25, which says: "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator."
It might be well for us to give thought as to how our blessed Lord has been insulted bv all this unrestrained laudation given to the human. Then, too, we should think of the millions who are thus being misled and actually taught to violate the first and second commandments of the Decalogue. Instead of being instructed in the Holy Scriptures and pointed to the Christ of that blessed Book, the people are fed with legendary fables, miracles, visions, fanatical votaries, and dreams of the virgin Mary. One must marvel at the credulity with which these tales are accepted. But think of the rank superstition that follows the embracing of such preposterous folly. How the heart of God must go out to souls who are thus deceived! How Christ must yearn over those who are reaching out for the truth! "It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law." Ps. 119:126.