Feature: A Personal Examination and Meditation Feelings of Inferiority "Therewith to Be Content"
Paul admonished, the Corinthian church members to examine themselves whether they be in the faith.
The Hospital Evangelist Standing at the Door of the Church
Jesus' words, "I was . . . sick, and ... ye visited me" are a fitting tribute that could be said of a thoughtful and dutiful shepherd. Hospital visitation is no small art, and necessitates an artisan for best performance.
Pulpit: The Recompense of Devotion The Importance of Daniel
Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord.
Evangelism: Are We Still Using Model T Methods? Evangelists and Newspaper Editors
There she stands, 'way down in the cow pasture the old Model T!
Shepherdess: Count Your Blessings
Having been thoroughly briefed on the taboos and restrictions by which the life of a minister is said to be circumscribed, naturally, I did not deliberately set out to be the wife of one.
Research: Did the Patriarchs Have Camels? Adulterating the Bible
The Bible represents Abraham as a possessor of camels (Gen. 12:16), sending his servants to Haran with a caravan of ten camels to secure a wife for Isaac (Gen. 24:10).