The Evanston Assembly of the World Council of Churches will be a history-making event. In previous issues of THE MINISTRY we have referred to this assembly, as have others of our journals. In a recent issue of Signs of the Times the editor made it clear that while outstanding church leaders are concerned with the present state of the world, many declaring it is an indication that the end of all things is at hand, we have been throughout all our history asserting that. And now we are delighted to discover that The Christian Century, one of the most influential of religious journals in America, has taken note of the fact that this conference will put into the hands of Adventists the greatest opportunity we have ever had for a strong emphasis on eschatology.
Twenty-five years ago such an article as appeared in Signs of the Times might have been treated with mild tolerance, if not contempt, by such a reputable journal, for we were far out of harmony with general theological thinking. But the happenings of the last few years have been so revolutionary that theologians of all grades have had to recognize that the great Utopia that seemed to loom up on the horizon is now proved to be but a mirage.
The editor's forthright analysis needs no comment. Our ministers around the world will be happy to read this from the editorial columns of The Christian Century of January 20, 1954. Its heading is significant: "Adventists Hail Evanston as Day of Opportunity"
"One of the most effective propaganda organs put out by any American religious body is Signs of the Times. This weekly, published by the Seventh Day Adventists, is vigorously written, well edited, well illustrated, well printed. It circulates by the hundreds of thousands, and a glance at the professional competence shown i:r;t any i~sue will tell why. In its December 8 Issue Signs of the Times picked up the concern. expressed in these pages lest the proceedings at next summer's Evanston Assembly of the World Council 'play into the hands of millennia! evangelists.' The Adventists have no such concern. Instead, they foresee that the Assembly will do just that, and they hail the prospect as the working out of the plans of God. After quoting from the century, Signs of the Times. says: this IS the storm they fear! But It Is coming anyway. And let it come! Let Its thunderings roll on to the ends of the earth. In our opinion its coming is in the providence of God. For if our Lord's return IS indeed at hand, as all the signs of the times most surely indicate, how reasonable that He should seek, by every possible means, to lead men and women everywhere to discuss the subject! And what better way could have been devised . . . than to throw It must the midst of the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches? . . . The World Council is committed. It cannot backtrack without raising more discussion than is certain to take place anyhow. It must proceed with the debate. And powerful theologians are coming to Evanston determined to ~resent their conviction that Jesus IS coming again, personally, gloriously, and soon. So the storm is on the way. Nobody can stop it. Not even the editors of The Christian Century .... Surely this is the Lord's doing and "it is marvelous in my eyes." '" It surely is the Lords doing, and we could say again in the words of Jesus, "Blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears for they hear. For verily I say unto you,
That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them" (Matt. 13:16, 17). Thank God for a living message! And thank God too that leaders in Christian thought are being influenced by our missionary journal which is, is they say, :'vigorously written, well edited, well Illustrated, well printed." And too, that they recognize the impact this Journal IS making on the Christian world. This message IS yet to shine with a heavenly luster in the high places as well as in the darkest corners of the earth. The new day for which we have yearned and prayed is right upon us.