India Calls

The monthly bible instructor column

ADA E. WARHURST, Bible Instructor, South India

The pages of history, ancient and mod­ern, sacred and secular, have never lacked records of great women. Every nation can rightfully boast of its noble women who through the ages, by their kindly ministra­tions, womanly grace, and dignity, have lived to bless the lives of great and small, the high and the low. The fragrance of their lives still lingers to inspire the women of today to higher and nobler attainments.

India of yesterday has to her credit records of women who lived to accomplish great things in the manner of their calling. India of today, with her new-found freedom and independence, is opening doors of opportunity to women in all ranks of life and service. India's constitu­tion guarantees equality of the sexes, and women are now taking their places in increas­ing numbers in all walks of life. To the de­fense of their country they have rallied; for the rebuilding of their nation's social and ec­onomic life they now work. In legislative, ad­ministrative, medical, educational, and human relations spheres of service, women are now carrying a strong and effective ministry.

Justly proud are the Indian women of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, who has brought honor to her country and lasting inspiration to its woman­hood by her leadership as the first woman president of the United Nations General Assembly, and ambassadress to the United States, Great Britain, and the U.S.S.R.

Today as never before in India a door of opportunity is open wide for Seventh-day Ad­ventist women to serve as messengers of God. India's women not only are striving to build a stronger and better India but are also seeking a knowledge of God. "Tell us of God." "Tell us of Jesus." Not one voice, not two voices, but myriads of voices are to be heard in every city and village—voices of women calling to know of Him who made all men to be free.

From the pen of inspiration we read: "A sister laborer in the cause of truth can under­stand and reach some cases, especially among the sisters, that the minister cannot."—Testi­monies, vol. 1, p. 452.

And again: "If there were twenty women where now there is one . . we should see many more converted to the truth. The refin­ing, softening influence of Christian women is needed in the great work of preaching the truth."—Evangelism, pp. 471, 472.

Many more women are needed to strengthen the ranks of those who now serve. Many, many calls for help from the women of India are going unheeded because the working force of God's messengers is not sufficient to meet the need. Great is the honor that a country bestows upon those who give their lives in unselfish service. Great is the honor of being a represent­ative of one's country. But how much greater will be the honor bestowed upon those mes­sengers of the King of kings who go forth em­powered by heaven to serve those who wait for the good news of salvation.

"When a great and decisive work is to be done, God chooses men and women to do this p. 469.

A great work has yet to be done in India.

God needs both men and women. May the prayers of God's people strengthen the work already being done; may ears be tuned to hear the cries of those seeking a better way; may eyes be raised to see the ever-widening doors of opportunity; and may feet hasten toward the great task God is waiting for men and women to do. Only then will the sun, now rising with hope and expectancy upon the ho­rizon of India's millions, set with the glories and splendor of God's kingdom in hearts at peace and in tune with God.

ADA E. WARHURST, Bible Instructor, South India

January 1956

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