Recently I stood before a large building project. What amazed me was the large army of women workers assisting the men laborers. Cooperating one with the other, working with the precision of clockwork, they kept a constant supply of materials at the feet of the key men.
What would the contractor have done without the aid of those hard-working women?
God, too, has a building project. It is His kingdom on earth erected in the souls of men.
Its beauty, far surpassing that of any edifice built to adorn our town or city, will someday grace the streets of gold in the heavenly land.
The blueprint, so clear that even the simplest of men and women can understand, calls for every type of laborer.
"When a great and decisive work is to be done, God chooses men and women to do this work, and it will feel the loss if the talents of both are not combined."—Evangelism, p. 469.
As I think of South India and her 60,000,000 people—every one of them a potential gem to adorn God's building; every one of them a precious soul for whom the Master Builder's Son gave His life on Calvary—I think of the wonderful work women can do in God's plan.
Is His kingdom on earth, the finishing of which will usher in a new world of happiness, being retarded because the women laborers as Bible instructors are missing?
Is there a constant supply of materials—precious souls—being brought to the Master's feet? Is the heart of the Master Builder longing to see the completion of His building? Is there a longing to see twenty respond to the calling of Bible instructor where there is but one?
"Please teach me the Bible and tell me of your Saviour. My husband will not allow me to attend Christian meetings." "It is not customary for men to visit us in the privacy of our homes. Please can you send us some of your women to instruct us in the things of God?"
These calls for the help of women who not only know God but know the Word of God are indicative of the many, many calls sounding in India.
"Women can be the instruments of righteousness, rendering holy service. It was Mary that first preached a risen Saviour. . . . If there were twenty women where now there is one, who would make this holy mission their cherished work, we should see many more converted to the truth. The refining, softening influence of Christian women is needed in the great work of preaching the truth."—Ibid., pp. 471, 472.
Homes are opening everywhere. Hearts are yearning for truth. Souls are calling for help. Shall these calls go unheeded? Do we not want to see many more converted to the truth?
Now as never before Bible instructors are needed to cooperate with the evangelists in the finishing of the great task God has committed to His people. If we fail to follow the blueprint, what of the loss?
When God has given so much to put into effect the plans for an eternal blood-bought kingdom, can we, the women who have tasted His love and experienced the joy of His truth and salvation, fail to offer our services in cooperating with Him and our fellow brethren in the saving of the women and the children?
The challenge comes to the women of the church to rally to the building of the kingdom. Remember, God Himself has said through the pen of His servant: "If there were twenty . women where now there is one, . . . we should see many more converted to the truth."
South India's goals for souls will be reached if you will offer yourself.