Trials of the Christian

Warfare, not a state of bliss, is the normal state of the Christian in this life. So how do we cope?

EDITH A. SAWYER, Retired Bible Instructor, Fullerton, California

Sometimes those newly converted to the Adventist faith entertain the mistaken idea that after receiving the sacred rite of baptism and membership into the church, there will be few if any difficulties and trials to mar life's pathway. They expect to enter into a state of bliss comparable to heaven itself. Those of us who are older in the faith know, however, that to enter the Christian ranks is to enter into a very real warfare against sin and the devil. And warfare always brings suffering. Without too much effort most of us can recall that while we were still babes in the faith we had more than one head-on collision with earth's sordid problems, the repercussions of which almost spelled disaster to our new and highly prized spiritual attainments. But for the ever-observing eye of the great Watcher above, we might well have been swept from our moor­ings.

The work of the Bible instructor cannot be said to be fully rounded out until she has both acquainted potential church members with the possibility that in their new-found Christian life they will experience more severe trials than they have heretofore known and prepared them to meet these tests with Chris­tian courage and fortitude. The instructor should explain - that trials, while not neces­sarily ordained of God, are nevertheless per­mitted by Him, and for a good purpose. Had the Lord promised a life of unalloyed bliss after baptism, He would have fulfilled that en­ticing promise; but nowhere in Holy Writ is such a promise to be found.

Many experiences of triumphant suffering on the part of God's people of old have been re­corded for the encouragement of those who should come after. His people are assured that under His blessing, all trials, afflictions, and per­secutions will be turned to good if endured manfully. We should emphasize the fact that God has enjoined His people to "wait on the Lord: be of good courage" (Ps. 27:14). They must not quail before adversity and trouble. They may be assured that God will overrule all Satanic attempts against them and use these very afflictions as refining agencies to prepare them for the coming of the Lord. They must look beyond these tribulations to the time when they will "inherit the kingdom" and trials will be no more. The following arrangement of texts may be of help in presenting this sub­ject:

Trials, God's Refining Process

I. Understanding God's Plan

  1. What does the Lord plainly tell His peo­ple concerning the certainty of trials? (John 16:33, first part.)
  2. How are we to relate ourselves to them? (John 16:33, last part.)
  3. From what source do the trials come?

           a. "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth" (Heb. 12:6).

           b."Your adversary  walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).

II. God's Loving Care

  1. Is God pleased to cause His people grief? (Lam. 3:33.)
  2. Why are trials permitted? (1 Peter 1:7; 2 Cor. 1:4.)
  3. When God called Paul to service, what did He say He would show him? (Acts 9:16.)
  4. How did Paul answer those who were per­plexed over his sufferings? (1 Thess. 3:4.)
  5. What were some of the sufferings of Paul? (2 Cor. 11:24-28.)
  6. What was Paul's reaction to these afflic­tions? (2 Cor. 4:17.)
  7. What does the Lord say should be our reaction to our trials? (1 Peter 4:12, 13.)

III. Joy and Victory at Last

  1. What will be the final reward of those who endure trials? (Matt. 24:13.)
  2. Will God forget His children? (Isa. 49:15, 16; Matt. 28:20; Rev. 2:10, last part.)
  3. What will the Lord at last do for His people? (Rev. 21:4.)

Leave the buffeted soul with confidence in God's purpose. Direct him to seek God more earnestly in prayer. Let the Bible promises be­come real to him. Strengthen his faith to be­lieve that God is working out His plan for his life. Help the struggling one to see now, with the eye of faith, the ultimate triumph in the conflict. Instead of magnifying his diffi­culties, let him learn to rejoice in the mighty power of God. Explain that this is witnessing to God's eternal love and care for all His crea­tures. This is living a victorious Christian life.

EDITH A. SAWYER, Retired Bible Instructor, Fullerton, California

September 1957

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