The youth under the influence of Seventh-day Adventist institutions and organizations in Southern Asia offer a very fruitful field for successful evangelism. To meet the challenge presented by this host of young people the division committee, when planning for 1958, voted to dedicate a full month that would be ideal for each of the countries represented, and since the majority of denominational schools are in session and fewer church campaigns are conducted during the midyear, and inasmuch as the two public evangelistic effort seasons for Southern Asia are February to May and October to December, it was decided to set apart July as Youth Evangelism Month.
Division, union, and local administrators, sensing the potentialities of the young people, united with MV secretaries in promoting the idea. In order to reach the heart of every youth, arrangements were made for the programs and materials prepared by the MV Department to be translated into the languages of the various sections, and speakers were appointed to conduct eight-day MV revivals for all churches, companies, and schools.
Questionnaires were sent out to learn how many churches had taken part, the number of young people reached, and the results obtained. The replies revealed that the extent to which the full plan was followed largely determined the degree of success that attended the effort. The best results were apparent where pastors, elders, special speakers, parents, and MV Society officers worked together throughout the month using test methods in an organized systematic program of personal and public youth evangelism, followed by properly conducted baptismal classes. Sixty per cent of the churches in the division reported having participated in Youth Evangelism Month. The number of young people reached in these reporting churches exceeded the entire division MV Society membership by 18 percent, and best of all, 2,056 youth made decisions for Christ.
The expressions of appreciation and approval from the entire field, the evidences of revival and reformation among the youth, the spiritual refreshment to the entire church membership, and the increased number of baptisms justified the effort. The success of this experiment has led to the decision to make Youth Evangelism Month a regular feature of our objective in Southern Asia, and thus save from sin, and guide in service, the youth entrusted to our care.
Reason for "Alphabet Experience"
A company of believers . . . may do a work in the home, the neighborhood, the church, and even in "the regions beyond," whose results shall be as far-reaching as eternity. It is because this work is neglected that so many young disciples never advance beyond the mere alphabet of Christian experience. The light which was glowing in their own hearts when Jesus spoke to them. . . they might have kept alive by helping those in need. The restless energy that is so often a source of danger to the young might be directed into channels through which it would flow out in streams of blessing. Self would be forgotten in earnest work to do others good.. . .
They will not be longing for exciting amusements, or for some change in their lives.—The Desire of Ages, pp. 640, 641.
The Church's Need
The church is languishing for the help of young men who will bear a courageous testimony, who will with their ardent zeal stir up the sluggish energies of God's people, and so increase the power of the church in the world.—Messages to Young People, p. 25.