Pointers for Preachers
"Ecumenism and individualism", "Where is the promise?", "Twenty new nations"
Preacher's children
A series of talks to young ministers' wives by Dorothy Lockwood Aitken.
The minister and his family
The minister who budgets his time can be a true husband and father to his family and still not neglect his church responsibilities.
Obtaining the Charter (C-Rating): The Story of Accreditation at CME—Part 1: Continued
The story of accreditation at the College of Medical Evangelists.
Is public evangelism outmoded?
Standing today with our feet almost touching the shores of eternity, facing awful events, it is the time and the place to say, "Evangelism is possible, brother."
The veracity of Bible chronology
Throughout the ages, endless and bitter attacks against the reliability of the Biblical record have come from men who were moved more by zeal than by knowledge. These charges of inaccuracies in the Word of God have been due largely to an imperfect knowledge of the facts of ancient Biblical history, manners and customs rather than to actual errors in the Biblical record.
Evangelism at the new Osaka Center
This article is a brief presentation of evangelistic procedures being used in the Osaka Center, Japan.
Recognizing personality differences
A subject of ever increasing importance with the passing of time, wherever two or more persons are associated in service, whether in families, churches, schools, conferences, institutions, or various kinds of business, is personality problems.
The Practice of Stewardship
The all-inclusive expansion of "the everlasting gospel," known and loved by the Advent people as the threefold message, is intrinsically bound up with the tremendous fact of the divine Personality who is the Creator of all. This means and involves so much that we might well pause briefly and ponder its sweeping implications.