When the Sabbath school membership in a comparatively isolated section such as the Wabag area in New Guinea, close to the Dutch border, suddenly jumps from 2,000 to 5,000 there must be a reason. We give God the praise for this wonderful increase, and we know that His Spirit is working on the hearts of the people. But the accompanying picture shows one of the methods being blessed of God to reach these hearts. It is the little "wonder machine," which can be used by these primitive people themselves, who in rapt attention, listen to the message of the gospel.
A. J. Campbell, pioneer missionary in those isolated parts, reports that in the Enga language alone, which is the language of the Wabag area, 8,000 records have been made and 1,000 machines are in constant use. It is wonderful that these benighted people can hear the gospel in their own language. The messages on these little records are simple, but they are also very plain and are presented in a winning way. Health talks are also interspersed, and these give balance to the whole program, teaching these needy people how to live better. Thus a real impetus is given to the presentation of the gospel.
These messages are recorded by the native people themselves under missionary supervision and guidance, and the tape recording is sent over to the United States where the disks are prepared and sent back with their messages of salvation. Some thirty of the languages and dialects of New Guinea alone have these gospel messages.
By the aid of this simple means they are teaching one another the message of redeeming grace.
Long years ago we were told that we would be surprised at the simple things that God would use to bring the message of His love to peoples in the world. Not only in the Pacific Islands but even away up North along the coast of Greenland, within 850 miles of the North Pole, this same little machine is giving the message to the Eskimos. Who could have thought that the people in Thule would be receiving the gospel and the clear message of Revelation 14 in their own tongue. But theirs is only one of more than 120 different languages already speaking forth the message from these records. Eternity alone will reveal the result of this evangelistic device. Our Lord's sweeping statement that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, includes such primitive peoples as these.
When John saw the message going to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people in preparation for our Saviour's return, that included these benighted areas. Let us, who are privileged to live in more favored parts of the world, pray for our workers, our missionaries, and our native believers who are endeavoring to share the faith of Jesus with those who so desperately need the gospel of grace.
R. A. A.