As we view the loss of membership in our churches compared with our baptisms, it would seem evident that we must do something to change this trend. As a pastor I am greatly concerned over the members we lose each year. I have discovered that there is a sure remedy for this spiritual disease. The words of inspiration are explicit in this. Here is the cure:
The best medicine you can give the church is not preaching or sermonizing, but planning work for them. If set to work, the despondent will soon forget their despondency, the weak would become strong, the ignorant intelligent, and all would be prepared to present the truth as it is in Jesus. They would find an unfailing helper in Him who has promised to save all who come unto Him... Let him [us] seek to keep the church alive by teaching its members how to labor with Him for the conversion of sinners.Evangelism, pp. 356, 357.
At the beginning of 1964 the entire church roll was reviewed and then an effort was put forth by the pastor and his officers to get in touch with every member. In doing this we were able to encourage and awaken a deeper interest in church attendance. We then divided the church into small bands of from five to six members, and over each band was placed a captain. This captain was responsible to the pastor for the welfare of his group. We then urged each captain to see that his group attended the "Hour of Power" (prayer meeting) service. It was no longer the old prayer meeting but a brand-new approach to evangelism. The importance of soul winning was greatly emphasized. With the members now praying and being in "one accord," the spirituality of the church became stronger, and the results were gratifying.
Work Began at Jerusalem
The church began to catch fire, and we kept the fires burning brightly. Our first goal was to work for the unsaved in our families, and we were happy to see many baptized who belonged to the families of the church. "And ye shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem" (at home).
A school of lay evangelism was organized which lasted for six weeks. Then we sent out these preachers two by two, and they came back rejoicing over what was being done through them and the Bible studies. The new interests were invited to attend three evangelistic services—the "Hour of Power" (Wednesday night), the Sunday night meeting, and the Sabbath services. We always made special mention of our visitors and gave them a warm welcome.
Every Church Member a Sabbath School Member
Another great factor we used was the Sabbath school. Our goal was to have every member of the church a member of the Sabbath school. By being able to account for the church membership through the agency of the Sabbath school, we saw a strong Sabbath school in action, and a strong Sabbath school meant a strong church.
Lastly, but most important, is the feeding of the people with the Word of God. All our plans would fail if the Word of the Lord were not given in all its power and with fervor. As a result of these plans, under God's blessing we baptized ninety-three persons, and they also are being taught how to work for others.