Mission President Accepts Challenge

AFTER the division council in Davao City, I decided to conduct an evangelistic effort in response to the challenge given by Robert H. Pierson, president of the General Conference. . .

-President, Dovao Mission, Far Eastern Division at the time this article was written

AFTER the division council in Davao City, I decided to conduct an evangelistic effort in response to the challenge given by Robert H. Pierson, president of the General Conference.

A few months before the start of the series, I was quite fearful at the prospect of mounting an offensive after several years in another aspect of the Lord's work. After many nights of fervent prayer, I was given the courage to work on the challenge I had accepted.

Meetings in Digos

Digos, a progressive town and the probable capital city of the province of Davao del Sur, was approved by the mission committee as the place where I should conduct my effort. One month was spent for ground preparation and careful planning before the start of the meetings. The opening night was graced by the presence of the governor of the province, Ramon delos Cientos. His inspiring opening re marks prepared the minds of the audience for the message of hope that evening.

Graduates of the pilot school that was conducted one week before the effort contributed to a large degree to the success of the meetings. I was greatly impressed with the excellent spirit and willingness of our laymen in the Digos church and their eagerness to assume responsibility. Every leader assigned to do his job carried out his assignment efficiently. Our talented, dedicated, young men and women in the church gladly gave their help, time, and money during the meetings.

Seventy-three Baptized

One hundred interested persons took the Bible-marking class. It was the best Bible-marking class I have ever had in my ministry, because almost all religious sects in Digos were represented. At the close of the effort sixty persons decided for baptism. Last June 29, in the afternoon, at Dawis, Digos, Davao del Sur, these precious souls were buried in the watery grave. Not long after this two more baptisms were held. Eight persons were baptized during the second baptism and five at the third, making a total of seventy-three.

As I came to the close of the meetings I felt that someone should stay on and continue in follow-up work. Some good interests were developing after the nightly meetings. So an intern worker is at present following up the interest and another baptism is expected in the near future.

Surely there is joy that can satisfy the Lord's servant if he accepts the challenge to "preach the word." The Lord will surely give us the reward of our labors if we work with Him in faith and humility. It is a very solemn experience to see hundreds of people attending night after night and realize that the Lord is interested in the salvation of each one of them. To visit in the homes of the interested ones and see them casting their lot with God's people is to me a romance of the ministry. There is no more thrilling experience than to see men and women with joy accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour through baptism and unite with those who are getting ready for His glorious second coming.

-President, Dovao Mission, Far Eastern Division at the time this article was written

June 1969

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It Must Begin With Me

THERE is a message in the words of Joel and Zephaniah for you and me today. The messenger of the Lord affirms it. . .


A METHOD of evangelism that was new to me was presented to those attending an evangelistic council sponsored by the Applied Theology Department of the Seminary at Andrews University in March, 1967. Dr. M. G. Hardinge, of Loma Linda University School of Public Health, while speaking on health evangelism, quoted from the works of Ellen G. White. The words he read continued to ring in my mind until Dr. Herschel C. Lamp, medical secretary of the Middle East Di vision, and I united our efforts as a doctor-minister team in a series of meetings aimed at Moslems attending the Adventist Center in Tehran, Iran. . .

Evangelism in the Northlands

FOR some time it was felt that we needed a new method of approach in presenting the Advent message in the northern cities of our division. . .

What Do We Mean by Total Evangelism?

WHAT does total evangelism mean? Certainly it means more than just programming evangelism on high denominational levels. It is relatively easy for experts to map strategy, but the success of any evangelistic thrust depends upon committed individuals in every strata of church organization. . .

The Priests Were Too Few

GREAT rejoicing spread through Jerusalem as Hezekiah ordered the service of God to be set in order. The house of the Lord had fallen into disrepair through the neglect and idolatry of God's own people. For too many years no offerings had been brought. The lamps were out. No incense burned. The doors were bolted shut. Trouble reigned all around. . .

Masbate Campaign Yields 228 Souls

A SATISFYING evangelistic program has just been concluded in Masbate, capital of Masbate Province, territory of the Central Visayan Mission. Masbate is notorious for its lawlessness. Banditry, land grabbing, thievery, cattle rustling, gambling, heavy drinking, and other accompanying vices are common everywhere. The situation is such that an American Baptist missionary remarked to me that the conditions in the area were just like those of the old American Wild West. Sin abounds in high and low places, outside and inside the churches. . .

The Half Has Never Been Told (Concluded)

AT THE close of the Australasian Division annual meetings it was my privilege, together with Brethren W. R. Beach and W. L. Pascoe from the General Conference, to attend the North New South Wales camp meeting. The campground is beautifully situated on the shores of a large lake. . .


OUR pastors have been using this program with excellent results. In one of our smaller areas four families have been coming back to church since the CONCERN kits were taken to them. This is a wonderful program and will surely bring results.". . .

Evangelistic Expolsion in South America

THE spirit of revival, reformation, and sacrifice is taking hold of the Adventist Church. This spirit is reaching deep into the very heart of the South American Division. An entire continent is coming under the spiritual impact of latter-day preaching. This vast expansion of territory, divided into eight countries using two major languages, presents our six union organizations of thirty-one local fields with the greatest challenge of the church. . .

Men of the Century

WHAT an exciting time to be alive! The mind of man seems literally to have exploded into a meteoric shower of scientific advance. There is an air of excitement among all men who do creative thinking. Suddenly and mysteriously an unseen hand has lifted the veil that separated man from the vital secrets of the universe, and he is pursuing these new bypaths with enthusiasm. . .

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