Is God's Way Still "in the Sanctuary"?
THY way, O God, is in the sanctuary" (Ps. 77:13). For more than one hundred years Seventh-day Adventist ministers have used this text in presenting our distinctive sanctuary message. . .
The Sanctuary
THE ordinances of the sanctuary were given to Israel because transgression and the worship of idols had so perverted their concept of God that they no longer saw the sinfulness of sin. They had become like the idols they worshiped (Eze. 20:5-8; Ps. 135:18). Till the Seed should come (Gal. 3:19), who would fully reveal the Father (John 1:18), there was need of a new revelation of God. This God gave them in the sanctuary. . .
The Remnant Sinless---When? How?
THIS Advent Movement rose from, a correct understanding of the cleansing of the sanctuary, as called for in the prophecy of Daniel 8:14. This true doctrine of the sanctuary is one of the old-time landmarks that must be maintained as it has come down from our founding fathers, who discovered it in the Scriptures. . .
"Weeks of Days" for "Weeks of Years" (Part 1)
THE title of this article has particular reference to one of the time prophecies in the book of Daniel. This is stated in our Bibles as "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people" (Dan. 9:24). This seems to be the only place the expression "Seventy weeks" appears in the Scriptures. . .
How to Win Souls Using the Judgment--Hour Approach
SOME months ago, while I was pastor of the Lima, Ohio, church, a special witness was developed. A very dedicated layman, Emanuel Backey of Mendon, Ohio, joined me in visiting, and because of our combined efforts, within two weeks thirty men, women, and children started to attend Sabbath school and church. . .
Salvation, Ingathering, and Insane Asylums
INGATHERING and Adventism are two entirely different words but in a sense are almost synonymous to preachers and deeply-rooted laymen. Ingathering can almost be classified, when it comes to church values and emphasis, as a doctrine. My second year in the ministry found me in a workers' meeting listening to a lovable union president who thundered out, "Get your Ingathering goal, or . . ." He didn't complete the sentence, but it didn't take much guessing to understand what he was driving at. A hurricane of emotion would be provoked if we dared attempt to dispense with this yearly campaign. Cancellation of the Ten Commandments wouldn't cause much more commotion. . .
G. W. Anglebarger—Pattern Preacher
IN MY Bible is a prized possession—a bookmark printed long years ago by a Denver church in memory of its minister. Underneath the picture of this venerable man of God are the words. . .
New Light on Daniel 8:14
WHEN the editor inquired recently, "Have you discovered anything in your sanctuary research that is new evidence on the topic of the judgment and our interpretation of Daniel 8:14?" I decided to tentatively submit some thoughts on this matter that have seemed significant to me. It must be admitted, however, from the outset that what at first seemed "new light" proved to have been old truth, once cherished but of late forgotten. . .
Seven Months in Germany (Concluded)
REGENSBURG in Bavaria was one of the prominent cities of the Counter Reformation. There are seventy Adventist church members there. This is the only city where they had opportunity to precede public meetings with the Gift Bible Plan. Many of the brethren thought that no one in this Catholic city would accept the Bible, and they added that they thought no one would come to the meetings, either. We all realized that it was not to be an easy place, but my visit to Germany was really an experiment, and we wanted to try every kind of place in any kind of circumstances to see what God would do. . .
Every Name a Sacred Trust
IN THE famous American short story, "The Devil and Daniel Webster," the devil contracted with Farmer Cabez Stone —his soul for seven years of prosperity. When the seven years were up, the devil even granted an extension of three years, being quite sure that the soul would eventually be his. . .