Who Killed the Soul of James G. Thresher?

WHO killed the soul of James G. Thresher? It wasn't you, was it? God forbid that it was you. But I don't know . . .

WHO killed the soul of James G. Thresher? It wasn't you, was it? God forbid that it was you. But I don't know . . .

Were you the pastor of the district that thirty-six-year-old Jim Thresher lived in? Sure it could not have been you! Soul-wise, Jim Thresher is dead dead as though his body were rotting in the grave.

You see, Jim was invited to take the Bible correspondence course by a Seventh-day Adventist he met in a bus station one day.

What's to be lost if it's free? Jim thought. So he sent the enrollment card in. Then the lessons began to come, and they were thrilling. "Never knew there was so much truth in the Bible," Jim confessed. Then came the lesson asking for a decision to keep the Sabbath, and one asking if he would like to be baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist faith. "Yes, yes," Jim checked on the lessons. "I believe it all."

A request went out to the pastor of the district where Jim lived. "Go see the man; he is ready for baptism," the notice said. But right then the pastor was very busy a church building program, several wed dings, and an inordinate amount of squabbling going on among his church members. Really, he was too busy to go running six miles out into the country where Jim Thresher lived.

So the pastor put it off one day, one week, one month . . .

Three months after he wrote asking for a representative to come to see him, Jim Thresher wrote to the Voice of Prophecy. "Where is your representative?" he wanted to know.

A plea went to the conference office to get someone over to Jim Thresher's home. A month later he wrote again still no representative. Another letter to the conference. Then, five months after his first request, Thresher wrote again to the radio broadcast.

"Don't send anyone," he said. "You are obviously not interested in me. I think I've found another way to the good life. Don't have anyone call on me in the future." Who killed Jim Thresher's soul? It wasn't you, was it?

God forbid that it might have been you!

May 1970

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Two Decades of TV Progress

NEVER had I been so downright scared I as when those lights glared at me for the first time on that eventful night of May 21, 1950, when I looked into the eyes of a camera without benefit of script or experience," Pastor William A. Fagal, director of Faith for Today, confessed to me the other day. He added, "I said Hello to an unseen audience I hoped, but wasn't sure, was out there."

Binding Off Bible Course Interests

HOW often we have received the names of Voice of Prophecy or Faith for Today interests with a feeling of reluctance. Too often the initial visit hasn't paid off as much as had been hoped. . .

With Unity to Pentecost

FACING death, one talks about the things that are nearest to his heart, the things that really matter. Consider Jesus and the last moments He spent with His disciples before Gethsemane. . .

The World Council of Churches: Seventh-day Adventist Conversations and Their Significance---Part 1

While in Rome in connection with the Vatican Council a WCC staff member and an Adventist representative came to the conclusion that an informal meeting of a small group of Seventh-day Adventists with an equal number of representatives from the World Council of Churches would fulfill a useful purpose Adventists being insufficiently informed regarding the WCC, and the WCC staff and church leaders being equally in need of additional and more comprehensive knowledge regarding the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Evangelistic Effort in Madrid, Spain

DURING the last quarter of 1969, Evangelist Salim Japas held a gospel crusade in the capital city of Spain. The goal of baptisms was fifty, and during the campaign twenty-two were baptized. We hope that during the first quarter of 1970, in the follow-up work, the other twenty-eight will join the church. . .

Total Evangelism for the 70's

REGARDLESS of how difficult evangelism becomes, in spite of how few may give themselves fully to it, regardless of how it seems to be overshadowed by institutionalism and departmentalism, it will increase until the world is enlightened with the glory of the righteousness of Christ for the consummation of the gospel.

Ingredients of an Evangelistic Church

AS I DRIVE along tonight in my car from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Hammond, I am thinking of the condition of the churches in America and meditating upon the services in which I spoke today. I am more convinced than I have ever been that the great need of America is soul-winning churches. Perhaps nothing could do as much for our sick nation today as for every city, town, and hamlet to have a real old-fashioned, soul-winning church within its boundaries.

To Know God in the New Testament

HOW can we get to know God? The Scriptures give a clear testimony. We have given a very brief introduction to this thought in our first article dealing with the Old Testament. A very fruitful study to be recommended is the application of Old Testament names used of the Father and applied to Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Each of the names of God with its connotations finds its embodiment in Jesus Christ in the New Testament. . .

Faith for Today Evangelism

THE thrill of twentieth-century soul winning is unsurpassed. Truly to fulfill the gospel commission today constitutes a marvelous opportunity. How good it is to see hearts transformed as men and women come to a full knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How to Deal With People (Concluded)

JESUS achieved success with people be cause He was thoughtful of their feelings. We read (Heb. 4:15) about Christ that He is "touched with the feeling of our infirmities." And again, "A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not quench; He will bring forth justice in truth" (Isa. 42:3, Amplified Bible).* Referring to Christ's method of relating to people, we read in Steps to Christ: "He exercised the greatest tact, and thoughtful, kind attention in His inter course with the people.

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