The Power of Adventist Evangelism for Soul-Winning

EVERY minister desires to use the most effective way in his preaching. What is the most effective way to present the truth?

EVERY minister desires to use the most effective way in his preaching. What is the most effective way to present the truth? Here is what the Spirit of Prophecy says: "I am very grateful to God for what I have heard and seen of the results of Elder ______ in meeting ______. I am glad that he exalts the Word, allowing the Bible to speak for itself. This is the most effectual way." Manuscript 105, 1906.

This is right to the point. The most effectual way to present the truth is to allow the Bible to speak for itself. Never forget that it is the Word of God that convinces, convicts, and converts the soul. The power of Adventist evangelism for soul-winning is in the impact of the Word of God upon the mind and heart of the hearers under the ministration of the Holy Spirit.

You have a clear illustration of this in the book Bible Readings for the Home. Who can tell how many people have been won by this book? What is the secret of the perennial demand for it? Whence comes its power to win souls? Because it brings the direct testimony of the Word of God to bear upon the reader. Questions are answered by the specific words of the Bible.

Converting Power in the Word

Never underestimate the power of the open Bible to arouse interest, to bring conviction, and to lead to decision for Christ. In some evangelistic preaching the Word of God is hidden under the multitudinous words of man and various devices. Sound, logical arguments are needed, but they must be illuminated with the shining light of the Word. "One sentence of Scripture is of more value than ten thousand of man's ideas or arguments." Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 71.

The saving and transforming power needed in evangelism is in the Word of God, as applied by the Spirit of God. Peter declares that we are born again by the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23). James says, "Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth" (James 1:18). So the basic item in winning a person to Christ's present truth is the application of the Word of God to his mind and heart by the Holy Spirit.

When a soul truly receives the truth of the Word into his mind and heart, he is born again. He is won for obedience to God's commandments. His transformation into the likeness of Christ is begun. His continual obedience brings a progressive transformation for the perfection of his character in Christ.

In the early days of our work there was a minister who drew large crowds. He held the people spellbound. But in the large attendance only a relative few decided for the truth. Ellen G. White advised him to conduct a Bible class in conjunction with his preaching. She wrote: "You will find great success in coming close to the people in these Bible lessons." Manuscript 1, 1874.

In view of this wouldn't it be good to have appropriate Bible lessons to give to the people each night after they hear the sermons in the short campaign? This will increase the impact of the truth upon the interested people.

In keeping with this, the Spirit of Prophecy shows that an effective method for leading souls to decision is to keep the voice of the Bible ever before them: "Bring the people to a decision; keep the voice of the Bible ever before them."—Evangelism, p. 296. (Italics supplied.)

An Aid to Larger Results

In speaking of Paul's evangelistic campaign at Berea, the record states, "There fore many of them believed" (Acts 17:12). Isn't this the kind of results we want? When the campaign is ended, how good to report, "Many accepted the truth and were baptized."

How did these good results at Berea come about? The first word in verse 12 is "therefore." It means "for this reason." The reason is set forth in the preceding verse, verse 11. Many accepted the truth because they searched the Scriptures daily to see if Paul's teachings were according to the Word. When they found this was the case, what else could they, as honest people, do, but take their stand for the truth as presented by Paul?

Will this be effective today? The Word of God has not lost any of its saving power. Like causes produce like results. If we will use plans that increase the impact of the Word of God upon the people, many will take their stand. The use of appropriate Bible lessons in conjunction with the preaching in the short campaign will enhance our prospects of securing more decisions.

These considerations have led the writer to prepare a Truth for Today Bible Course of sixteen lessons. They are especially designed to furnish the needed Biblical undergirding for the various phases of the truth as the respective subjects are presented from the pulpit.

The Essentials in Capsule Form

This Truth for Today Bible Course has been prepared from the angle of presenting in capsule form the essential items for leading the interested person to become a real Seventh-day Adventist. It sets forth the threefold message of Revelation 14:6-14 as the basis of the divine origin, the distinctive teachings, and the eternal triumph of the Advent Movement. It pinpoints 1844 as the divinely appointed date when this movement was due to arise.

Make no mistake about this. A Bible course---or a series of Adventist evangelistic sermons---that omits this threefold message and its application to Seventh-day Adventists is minus the fundamental basis for the very existence of this church. If it had not been for Revelation 14:6-14 and its related prophecies, Seventh-day Adventists would never have come into existence. Can any person be a really informed Adventist if he is not grounded in the threefold message?

Revelation 14:6-14 and 15:1, 2,' and their related predictions, constitute the most impelling reason for becoming a Seventh-day Adventist and remaining one to the end. An understanding of these items is certainly essential for every convert. In these lessons the Spirit of Prophecy is identified with the writings of Ellen G. White. They stress the right standards for one's reading, music, conversation, associations, recreations, and dress. They pin point the sinful ways of the world from which a believer is to be separate. In order to make these sixteen lessons concise and right to the point, they have been so prepared that only two of the six teen outlines exceed one page of typewritten material.

A Bible course of twenty lessons, or more, seems too long for use in a reaping campaign. This is a day when things are moving fast. We believe a course of about sixteen lessons fits into the speeded-up tempo of our day. People want you to come directly to the point. Our day is a time of straight-from-the-shoulder talking. This is good when done in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

List of the Sixteen Lessons

1. The Coming Man of Destiny. (The second coming of Christ.)

2. Is Christ Really Coming Soon? (The signs of the times.)

3. Beyond the Stars (Your heavenly home.)

4. Satan Bound 1,000 Years How? When? Where? (The millennium.)

5. Life After Death Where? How? In What Form? (Man's condition in death.)

6. Hell Turned Into Heaven How? When? (The punishment of the wicked.)

7. The Greatest Item About You. (Heaven in three steps.)

8. The Strange Sign of God in (The Sabbath.)

9. Not Under the Law, but Under Grace. (The Christian's rule of right.)

10. In Business With God or How Much Do We Owe God? (Tithing.)

11. How You Can Do the Impossible. (How to exercise faith.)

12. How to Live Better and Longer. (Bible temperance.)

13. Sure and Safe Guidance. (Christian standards.)

14. The Woman Standing on the Moon. (The remnant church identified.)

15. The Great Harlot Who Made the Whole World Drunk. (Babylon identified in its three parts. The call of Christ to come out of the denominations and religions of Babylon.)

16. Walking Where Jesus Walked. (Every essential for being a Seventh-day Adventist presented as a series of steps in walking with Jesus, who is the Way.)

These lessons are not used in their consecutive order as listed, in connection with the preaching in the reaping campaign. Rather, each minister governs the order for their distribution according to his own order of subjects for the campaign. For example: The lesson concerning "Your Heavenly Home" is given to the people as they leave the meeting on whatever night the minister has presented the subject of "Heaven." So with all the others. Or they may be used in order according to their numbers if a person desires to follow this order of subjects in his preaching campaign.

The sixteen lessons are used in their consecutive order 1-16 for (1) a series of Bible studies with an individual or a group, (2) for a Community Bible School or a series of cottage meetings, (3) for a lay preacher's evangelistic campaign, (4) for a Bible-marking course to train laymen to give Bible studies. Thus it is that this course has a fourfold use in evangelism in addition to its use in the short preaching campaign.

These lessons, methods, and techniques will prove especially helpful to the young ministers and to pastors who are not experienced in holding public campaigns. The experienced, successful evangelist may not need them. But some of the suggestions may, if put into practice, enhance his success. We are sure of the need of the Biblical undergirding which this series of Bible les sons can supply in conjunction with the preaching in the short campaign.

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September 1970

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