Every minister needs some knowledge of the history of the New Testament text since the issue of manuscripts and translations is one that he will frequently face, for the Bible is basic to the spiritual life of our members. This book and one by Bruce Metzger (The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration [New York: Oxford University Press, 1964]) are intended to serve as an introduction to this topic. Both volumes are excellent and well-written.
The book under review has the advantage of being more up-to-date and discusses in more detail the modern Greek editions. Comparisons are made between various editions, and explanations are given so that one can make the best use of these tools. Another very helpful section, also found in Metzger's book, is a chapter on how to evaluate variant readings in a text to determine which is most likely to be the original reading.
The authors are very active at the Institute for New Testament Textual Research at Munster, and Kurt Aland has been a member of the committee that selected the text of the United Bible Societies as well as editor of the Nestle-Aland text and the Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum.