For many second- and third-generation Seventh-day Adventists, the question that has surfaced increasingly is "How do we live with the tension between the kingdom now and the kingdom to come?" John Brunt wrestles with this issue in his book entitled Now and Not Yet. In the first six chapters he develops biblical principles by which a Christian can live with the tension. In chapters 8-10 he applies the principles he has developed to sexual, political, and social ethics. He uses a good blend of theory and practical application. Most readers will appreciate the book's lack of theological jargon, as it assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. This does not mean that it lacks depth, for there are many insightful passages to reflect upon, for example Brunt's skillful discussion of the biblical material concerning marriage in heaven.
It is refreshing to read a Christ-centered book that deals with living in the earth's last hours, for so much of what is published focuses on evil. Readers will appreciate the emphasis on assurance as we look forward to the Advent. Brunt successfully strikes a balance between the heaven that begins now and the heaven that is not yet.