Church planting: key to growth
The best way to increase fruit production is to plant more trees. The best way to increase soul-winning results is to plant more churches.
Why Minneapolis in 1988?
In commemoration of what happened in Minneapolis in 1888 the North American Division will hold its year-end meeting there from October 30 to November 5 of this year. Ministry editor J. Robert Spangler interviewed Charles Bradford about the meeting's significance.
Toward the culmination of Harvest 90
Phenomenal success has attended many divisions' Harvest 90 efforts. Let's plan for a victorious culmination.
When someone you love doesn't love your Lord
Seven ways to help your loved ones learn to really love the Lord.
Now and Not Yet
John Brunt, Review and Herald Publishing Assn., Hagerstown, Maryland, 1987, 96 pages, paper, US$6.95, Cdn$9.75.
The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism
D. A. Carson, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1985 (reprinted), 128 pages, paper, $4.50.
Sing a New Song
C. Raymond Holmes, Andrews University Press, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104, 1984, 202 pages, paper, $9.95.
Preach For a Year
Roger Campbell, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1988, 224 pages, $9.95, paper.