
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church

Kennon L. Callahan, Harper & Row, New York, 1987, guidebook, 126 pages, $11.95, workbook, 46 pages, $4.95, paper.

Reviewed by Chad McComas, pastor, Corvallis Seventh-day Adventist Church, Corvallis, Oregon.

The thought of long-range planning with my church has never been a pleas ant one. When I have felt the urge to do systematic planning, the reality of the horrendous process comes to mind. It takes so long to get anything done, and often I haven't been sure what we did after we had done it.

With this experience behind me I started reading Callahan's book with apprehension. Expecting to be lost in planning process jargon, I was pleasantly surprised to find his process simple. Longrange planning is divided into six easy and fun sessions.

The Leaders' Guide explains the six sessions and their rationale. The author suggests that grass roots leaders read this guide with the pastor and staff members. With the reading as a basis, the planning committee can make quick work of the actual sessions.

The Planning Workbook includes exercises to use during the sessions. As your planning committee works through the book, they discover their church's strengths compared with the 12 central characteristics of an effective church. Then they decide what four areas they want to improve and develop, how to plan a timeline, and how to determine key objectives.

As you read through these companion books, you will soon develop an excitement for planning again. As I read them, I could hardly wait to try the ideas in my own church. With Callahan's help, we may become an effective, long-range-planning church after all.

As the year draws to a close and you plan for 1989 and beyond, get these two helps--you'll be thanking Callahan and me later!

Reviewed by Chad McComas, pastor, Corvallis Seventh-day Adventist Church, Corvallis, Oregon.

October 1988

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The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism

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Sing a New Song

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Preach For a Year

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