Louis K. Dickson
LOUIS K. DICKSON, Vice-President, General Conference
Enlisting the Membership
I do not believe that any one specified plan for such soul-winning work should be stressed above another.
The President's Leadership
The wise president, with the interests of the young people pulsating in his heart, will seek to know the youth
Unerring Counsel for Executives
Those who are tempted to feel that the counsels of the Testimonies were good enough for the earlier leaders, but a bit behind the needs of the present hour, remind me of Carlyle.
Adequate Training for Our Task--No. 1
Shall we insist on sixteen grades for applicants for ministerial work?
The Evangelistic Council in Retrospect
The motivating spirit and implementing actions now stand out in bold relief
Facing the Modern Audience
The generation to whom we now go with the message of truth for this hour has undergone a tragic change in thought and mental attitude toward those great fundamentals which gripped the minds of their forebears.