Edwards, D. Rex
Rex Edwards is a member of the faculty of the Department of Religion at Columbia Union College.
Boguslav Dabrowski
Boguslav Dabrowski is the director of Adventist Theological Seminary, Podkowa Lesna, Poland.
Stanislaw Dabrowski
Stanislaw Dabrowski is president of the Polish Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Lois Dadzie
Lois Dadzie, MEd, is a PhD student in education, ministerial spouse, and founder and research director for Blueprint Research Consulting, Tamale, Ghana.
Gene M. Daffern
Gene M. Daffern, a student at Walla Walla College, is editor of The Collegian, the student newspaper.
Arthur Dahl
Arthur Dahl is pastor in Minneapolis, Minnesota. During twenty years of denominational service he has also been teacher and principal of Delano Junior Academy in California, pastor in the Central California Conference, and pastor and chaplain in Walla Walla, Washington.
Tor Dahlberg
Pastor of the Beltsville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Clarence W. Dail
By CLARENCE W. DAIL, M. D., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, C. M. E.
Steve Daily
Steve Daily is the campus chaplain and an intructor in the Division of Religion on the La Sierra Campus of Loma Linda University, Riverside, California.
C.L. Dale
By C. L. DALE, M.D., Shanghai Sanitarium Clinic, China
Robert Dale
Robert Dale is administrative assistant to the vice-president of the General Conference for North America.
Gordon F. Dalrymple
Editor, Faith for Today Publications
Gwynne Dalrymple
By Gwynne Dalrymple, Associate, Professor of Bible, Walla Walla College
Richard Daly
Richard Daly, DMin, is communications and media director for the British Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Watford, Hertfordshire, England.
J. S. Damazo
Pastor, Takoma Park Church, Maryland
Gerard Damsteegt
Gerard Damsteegt, Th.D., is associate professor of church history at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Laurel Damsteegt
Laurel Damsteegt writes from Bangkok, Thailand.
Dan Stevens
Dan Stevens is children's pastor at Kettering Seventh-day Adventist Church in Kettering, Ohio
Luka Tambaya Daniel
Luka Tambaya Daniel is the president of the Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
A.G. Daniells
A.G. Daniells.
Robert Darnell
Former Field Secretary, Middle East Division
M.O. Dart
By M. O. DART, M.D., Porter Sanitarium, Denver, Colorado
R.E. Darter
By R.E. Darter
L.E. Dasher
L. E. DASHER, Pastor, Calgary Central Church
Minnie E. Dauphinee
Sanitarium, California
D.E. Davenport
D.E. Davenport, M.D.
Nigel G. David Sr.
Nigel G. David Sr., MA, serves as a clinical chaplain, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Vallejo, California, United States.
Abioye Oludare David
—Abioye Oludare David, MA, is University Pastor and head chaplain At Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria
Jo Ann Davidson
Jo Ann Davidson, PhD, is a professor of systematic theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
John Davidson
John Davidson is president of Church facility Consultants in Florida.
Richard M. Davidson
Richard M. Davidson, PhD, is senior research professor of Old Testament interpretation, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Olive C. Davies
By OLIVE C. DAVIES, Bible Instructor, South England Conference
Allen Davis
Allen Davis is a pseudonym.
Edith Davis
By EDITH DAVIS, Bible Instructor, Northern New England Conference
M. Bertha Davis
By M. BERTHA DAVIS, Bible Worker, Southeastern California Conference
Robert Davis
Robert Davis, DMin, pastors the Denver Park Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Denver, Colorado, United States.
Rod Davis
Rod Davis pastors in the British Columbia Conference, Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada.
Thomas A. Davis
Thomas A. Davis is a former editor of the Adventist Review. He writes from Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada.
W.L. Davy
W. L. DAVY, Teacher and Dispensary Supervisor, Luzvazi Mission
Dan Day
Don Day
Don Day is employed by Concerned Communications, Arroyo Grande, California.
Brian De Alwis
Brian De Alwis, Theology Senior, Spicer Memorial College, Poona, India
H. P. De Castro Lobo
H. P. de Castro Lobo is one of the vice-presidents of the Brazilian Bible Society, one of two directors of the Compania Sul America de Seguros, and an elder in the Rio de Janeiro Central church.
Henry De Fluiter
By Henry De Fluiter
Mart de Groot
Mart de Groot, Ph.D. is an associate pastor for the Belfast and Lame, Ireland, Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Irish Mission.
Edwin de Kock
Edwin de Kock, an English and Bible teacher, lives in Edinburg, Texas.
Edwin De Paula
Edwin De Paula, DMin(c), is senior pastor for the Jacksonville and Palm Coast area Spanish-speaking Seventh-day Adventist churches in Florida, United States.
Elias Brasil de Souza
Elias Brasil de Souza, PhD, serves as director of the Biblical Research Institute, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Kayle de Waal
Kayle B. de Waal, PhD, is education director and disciple-making and prayer coordinator at the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, St. Albans, United Kingdom.
Paul M. DeBooy
Associate Secretary, MV Department, General Conference
Raoul Dederen
Raoul Dederen, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of systematic theology and former dean of the SDA Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Vara Prasad Deepati
Vara Prasad Deepati, PhD, is a professor of Old Testament at Spicer Memorial College, Pune, India.
C.W. Degering
C. W. Degering was president of the Alberta Conference.
Luis del Pozo
Luis del Pozo is studying toward his Ed.D. degree in religious education at Andrews University. He is professor of theology at Inca Union College, Lima, Peru.
Bernadine Delafield
Bernadine Delafield is the NET coordinator for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America.
R.E. Delafield
R. E. DELAFIELD, Evangelist, East African Union
Dorothy Deming
Pastor's Wife, Kettering, Ohio
Mike Deming
Mike Deming is pastor of the Arroyo Grande, California, Seventh-day Adventist church.
Murray Deming
By MURRAY W. DEMING, Pastor, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
David D. Dennis
David D. Dennis is director of the General Conference Auditing Service,Washington, D.C.
A. D. Dennison, Jr.
A. D. Dennison, Jr., is dean of the chapel, Milligan College, Tennessee. He holds an M.D. degree from Cornell University Medical College and is a fellow of the American College of Physicians. He is the author of about fifty publications in the medical and religious fields.
Laurie Denski-Snyman
Laurie Denski-Snyman, a social worker in Lansing, Michigan, shares from her own experiences as a mother and pastor's wife.
Oliver Lee Denslow
By OLIVER LEE DENSLOW, District Leader, Cincinnati, Ohio
S.L. Deshay
S.L. DE SHAY, Medical Director, Ahoada Hospital, East Nigeria
F. W. Detamore
Field Evangelist, Voice of Prophecy
T.I. Dever
T.I. DEVER, secretary, Public Relations, North Queensland Conference, Australia
D. Douglas Devnich
D. Douglas Devnich is president of the SDA Church in Canada, Oshawa, Ontario.
Lyndon DeWitt
Lyndon DeWitt is evangelism coordinator of the North Dakota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Marcelo Dias
Marcelo Dias, MPTh, is a PhD candidate in mission and ministry studies at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Frederick Diaz
Pastor, San Francisco, California
Lucas M. Diaz
Evangelist, Illinois Conference
P. M. Diaz
Lay Activities Secretary, South Philippine Union Mission
Don Dick
DON DICK, Assistant Professor of Speech, and Manager of KSDA, La Sierra College
E.D. Dick
E. D. DICK, President, SDA Theological Seminary
Lois H. Dick
Lots H. Dick is a freelance writer from Newton, New Jersey.
A.L. Dickerson
By A. L. DICKERSON, Pastor-Evangelist, Graysville, Tennessee
Loren Dickinson
Chairman, Speech Department, Walla Walla College
Louis K. Dickson
LOUIS K. DICKSON, Vice-President, General Conference
George E. Digel
George E. Digel is the Ministerial director for the Chesapeake Conference.
John Dinsley
John Dinsley is a Bible worker and coordinator for Revelation Speaks Peace seminars in New Glasdyn, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Ganoune Diop
Ganoune Diop, PhD, serves as director, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
J.L. Dittenberner
J. L. Dittenberner, President, Northern Union Conference
Kumar Dixit
Kumar Dixit, DMin,is ministerial and young adult director for the British Columbia Conference and teaching pastor at Oakridge Adventist Church, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Rajinie Sigamoney Dixit
Rajinie Sigamoney Dixit is children’s director at Oakridge Adventist Church, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Paull Dixon
Paull Dixon is pastor of the Greensboro, North Carolina, district. He holds the B.O. degree from Andrews University and is a member of the General Conference Film and Broadcasting Commission.
Arlaine Djim
Arlaine Djim is one of the charter members of the Chinese Ministry Center.
David Dobias
Evangelist, Tanzania, Africa
Hyunsok John Doh
Hyunsok John Doh, PhD, is a professor of New Testament studies at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
D. D. Doleman
Evangelist, Southern California Conference
O.W. Dolph
By O. W. Dolph
S. L. Dombrosky
S. L. Dombrosky is health secretary of the Florida Conference.
Sandra Dombrowski
Sandra Dombrowski, MA, is a freelance writer and editor residing in Coventry, Connecticut, United States.
Tom Dombrowski
Tom Dombrowski, DMin, is pastor of the Gardner and Fitchburg Seventh-day Adventist churches in Massachusetts, United States.
A.N. Donaldson
By A. N. DONALDSON, M. D., Clinical Professor of Medicine, C. M. E.
Becky Donaldson
Becky Donaldson is a homemaker and freelance writer in Moberly, Missouri.
E. Donaldson
By Miss E. DONALDSON, Bible Worker, South England Conference
Kwabena Donkor
Kwabena Donkor, PhD, is an associate director of the Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Eric Doran
Eric Doran pastors in Courtland, New York.
Melvin V. Doran
By MELVIN V. DORAN, Publishing Department Secretary, New Jersey Conference
Sandra Doran
Sandra Doran, PhD, is associate superintendant of education, Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Winter Park, Florida, United States.
Sandra Doran
Sandra Doran writes from Ballston Spa, New York.
Natalie Dorland
Natalie Dorland pastors in Washington State and is completing graduate studies at Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
O.M. Dorland
By O. M. DORLAND, President, North England Conference
Michael Dörnbrack
Michael Dörnbrack pastors in the Baden-Württemberg Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Isny, Germany
Edward Dorsey
Edward Dorsey Secretary-Treasurer, Allegheny East Conference
C.W. Dortch
By C. W. DORTCH, Professor of Music, Walla Walla College
Florence Doss
Pastor's Wife, Kansas City, Kansas
Gorden R. Doss
Gorden R. Doss is associate professor in the department of world mission, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Craig A. Dossman
Craig A. Dossman pastors the Tenth Street Seventh-day Adventist Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Luella Doub
Luella Doub, Nurse, Battle Creek Treatments, Atlanta, Georgia
C.H. Dougherty
C. H. DOUGHERTY, Layman,Columbia Union Conference
Walter Douglas
Walter Douglas, Ph.D., is a professor of church history at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and pastor of the All Nations Church at Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Herbert E. Douglass
Herbert E. Douglass, Th.D. (retired), lives in Lincoln Hills, California.
Jacques B. Doukhan
Jacques B. Doukhan, ThD, is professor of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis, Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Lillianne Doukhan
Lillianne Doukhan, Ph.D. in musicology, is currently assistant professor of worship and church music at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University.
Karnik Doukmetzian
Karnik Doukmetzian, is general counsel for the world church of Seventh-day Adventists, headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Marcus Dove
Marcus Dove is treasurer of the British Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Hertsfordshire, England.
Jan Doward
Jan Doward is an assistant director of the General Conference Youth Department.
Catherine Dower
Minister's Wife, Maryland
N.R. Dower
N.R. Dower is the editorial director of Ministry
Goldie Down
Goldie Down is a minister's wife residing in New South Wales, Australia.
Lawrence Downing
Lawrence G. Downing, DMin, is a retired pastor and professor residing in San Luis Obispo, California, United States.
Rodney W. Draggon
Rodney W. Draggon is pastor of the Mount Tahoma SDA Church in Tacoma, Washington.
Bobbie Drake
Bobbie Drake is a licensed professional counselor. The founder of Protocol Seminars, she educates the Christian community about sexual abuse. She writes from Homedale, Idaho, and conducts seminars on sexual abuse gratis throughout the United States and Canada.
M.B. Drake
By M.B. Drake
Ronald D. Drayson
By RONALD D. DRAYSON, Instructor in Bible, Walla Walla College
Amy Drennan
Amy Drennan, at the time of this writing, was a graduate student, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, United States.
John M. Drescher
John M. Drescher is a professor at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Harrisonburg, Virginia, and a widely published author on a variety of subjects.
Linda Mae Driscoll
Teacher's Wife, Fulton College, Fiji
Tom F. Driver
Carl H. Droppers
Carl H. Droppers is an architect in Ohio and the author of two books on church architecture, Christ and Architecture and When Faith Takes Form.
Wally Drotts
Wally Drotts, D.Mim., is co-pastor of the Presbyterian Fisherman's Chapel, Bodega Bay, California
René Drumm
René Drumm, PhD, is a social scientist and researcher residing in Ooltewah, Tennessee, United States.
Alma Du Bois
By ALMA DU Bois, Bible Instructor, Grand Rapids, Michiga
Ron du Preez
Ron du Preez, D.Min., is an associate professor of religion at Southern College, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Martha Duah
Martha Duah, PhD, a lecturer at Valley View University Accra, Ghana.
Sikhumbuzo Dube
Sikhumbuzo Dube, MChap, is the Church Development and Stewardship Ministries director of the West Zimbabwe Conference, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Rich DuBose
Rich DuBose is the associate director of the Church Resource Center for the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Brian W. Dudar
Brian W. Dudar is associate pastor of the Pasadena, California, Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is also a chaplain candidate in the California National Guard.
C.E. Dudley
For the past 31 years C. E. Dudley, D.Div., has been the president of South Central Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Nashville, Tennessee.
Peggy Dudley
Margaret G. (Peggy) Dudley is a Ph.D. candidate at Andrews University.
Roger Dudley
Roger Dudley, Ed.D., is director of the Institute of Church Ministry, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Richard Duerksen
Dick Duerksen is director of mission development at Florida Hospital, Orlando, Florida.
David Duffie
David Duffie, M.D., holds specialties in internal medicine and psychiatry, and an M.A. in religion. He has also written the book Psychology and the Christian Religion. Presently he is a staff member of a continuing community care (mental health) program for Riverside County, California.
C.L. Duffield
C. L. DUFFIELD, Evangelist, Ohio Conference
A.N. Duffy
A. N. Duffy is an instructor in the department of theology, Avondale College, Cooranbong, Australia.
John Duge
John Duge is a junior medical student, School of Medicine, Loma Linda University.
Hiram M. Dukes
By HIRAM M. DUKES, District Leader, Blackstone, Virginia
C.L. Dunamo
By C. L. Dunamo, District Leader, Minnesota Conference
E.W. Dunbar
By E. W. DUNBAR, Secretary of the M.V. Department
Clarence V. Dunbebin
Reviewed by Clarence V. Dunbebin, associate superintendent of education, Potomac Conference of Seventh-day AaWntists
Thomas Dunbebin
Artist, Review and Herald, Publishing Association
Everett E. Duncan
By EVERETT E. DUNCAN, Evangelist. Chico, California
John Duncan
John Duncan, PhD, is the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Jasper, Jasper, Indiana, United States.
John Dunesme
Chaplain, Community Hospital, Sacramento, California
D.L. Dunfield
D.L. Dunfield is president of Adventist Health Services/Asia.
John F. Dunge
John F. Duge is a retired Adventist pastor and professor of religion. He writes from Chula Vista, California, United States.
Philip W. Dunham
PHILIP W. DUNHAM Pastor Portland, Oregon
Abbie Dunn
By ABBIE DUNN, Bible Instructor, Central China
Steve Dunson
A High School Junior
Hugh I. Dunton
Hugh I. Dunton, former director, Ellen G. White SDA Research Centre, Newbold College, England
Luis Duran
Luis Duran, MA, is the Adventist World Radio digital evangelism coordinator for Latin America.
Oren C. Durham
By OREN C. DURHAM, Research Scientist, Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, Illinois
John Duroe
John Duroe, D.Min., is the ministerial association and global mission coordinator for the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Jon L. Dybdahl
Jon L. Dybdahl, Ph.D., is the president of Walla Walla College, College Place, Washington.
Paul Dybdahl
Paul Dybdahl, PhD, is professor of mission and New Testament at Walla Walla University, Walla Walla, Washington, United States.
Althea Dyer
Althea Dyer is a minister's wife.
James F. Dyer
James F. Dyer, Jr., M.S.W., is instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Loma Linda University in California.
Mercedes Dyer
Mercedes Dyer, Ph.D., is professor of education at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Dyre Dyreson
DYRE DYRESON Registrar and Director of Admissions, Andrews University
William P. Dysinger
P. William Dysinger, M.D., is professor of international health in the School of Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Yvonne Dysinger
Yvonne Dysinger is administrative assistant at the Center for International Relations.
Rachel Dzieciolska
By RACHEL DZIECIOLSKA, R.N., Mission Appointee to the Middle East