Glenn Davis
Glenn Davis, MA, serves as a deacon at his local Baptist church in Newport News, Virginia, United States.
Bernice Gackenheimer
Bernice Gackenheimer is a minister's wife living in Collegedale, Tennessee.
E.T. Gackenheimer
By E. T. GACKENHEIMER, President, Leeward Islands Mission, B.W.I.
Frank E. Gaebelein
FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, Headmaster, The Stony Brook School, Stony Brook, New York
Linda Gage
Minister's Wife, Loma Linda, California
George B. Gainer
George B. Gainer is the chaplain of Columbia Union College, Takoma Park, Maryland. This article is a condensed version of a paper presented at the conference on abortion held by Loma Linda University's Center for Christian Bioethics in November 1988.
Ed Gallagher
Ed Gallagher is a pastor and director of prayer ministries, Rocky Mountain Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He lives in Park County,Colorado.
Jonathan Gallagher
Jonathan Gallagher, Ph.D., at the time of this writing, was the liaison of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to the United Nations.
Jay Gallimore
Jay Gallimore is president of the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Lansing, Michigan.
Linda Gallimore
Linda Gallimore is a mother and a certified public accountant in Lansing, Michigan. Her husband is president of the Michigan Conference.
George Gallup
George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion
Kenneth H. Gammon
Kenneth Gammon, Secretary, Radio-TV Department, Southern Asia Division
Barry Gane
Barry Gane, D.Min., is director of the Master of Arts for Youth Directors, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Erwin R. Gane
Erwin R. Gane, PhD, a retired pastor, lives in Angwin, California, United States.
Roy Gane
Roy E. Gane, PhD, is a professor of Hebrew Bible and ancient Near Eastern languages, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Jeff Gang
Jeffrey Gang, DMin, is an associate professor for relational studies at the School of Religion, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Kenneth O. Gangel
Kenneth O. Gangel, Ph.D.. writes from Tarpon Springs, Florida.
Ola K. Gant
By OLA K. GANT, PH.D., Instructor in Therapeutics C.M.E., Loma Linda, California
Ollie Taylor Gant
By OLLIE TAYLOR GANT, Voice and Piano Teacher, Minneapolis, Minnesota
R.L. Garber
By R. L. GARBER, Director, Katikamu Mission, Uganda, Africa
Alfredo Garcia-Marenko
Alfredo Garcia-Marenko, MBA, BTh, is assistant editor of Elder’s Digest and Ministerial Resources, Ministerial Association, General Conference of Seventh- day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Donald J. Gardner
Donald J. Gardner is pastor of the St. George's Episcopal Church, Clifton Park, New York.
Esther L. Gardner
By ESTHER L. GARDNER, Director School of Dietetics, C.M.E., Loma Linda
F.W. Gardner
By F. W. GARDNER, M. D., Professor of Physiology, C. M. E.. Loma Linda
Noel Cameron
Noel Cameron Gardner is a Master of Divinity student at the Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Don Leo Garilva
Don Leo Garilva, DMin, is dean and professor of the School of Theology, Mountain View College, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines.
Geoffrey E. Garne
Former Editor, Sentinel Publishing Association, South Africa
Marina Fabris Garner
Marina Fabris Garner is a graduate student at the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, United States.
O.T. Garner
By O.T. GARNER, President of the New York Conference
Tim Garrison
Tim Garrison is an associate pastor of the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist church, Takoma Park, Maryland.
Webb Garrison
Webb Garrison is pastor of the Central Methodist church, Evansville. Indiana. He is a graduate of Emory University (B.Ph. and B.D.) and has an honorary Litt.D. (McKendree College).
Webb Garrison
Webb Garrison is pastor of the Central Methodist church, Evansville. Indiana. He is a graduate of Emory University (B.Ph. and B.D.) and has an honorary Litt.D.(McKendree College).
E.H. Gates
E.H. Gates
Hal Gates
Hal Gates, L.L.D., is pastor of the Oak Harbor/Friday Harbor districts in Oak Harbor, Washington.
Theresa V. Gatewood
By THERESSA V. GATEWOOD, Bible Worker, Orange, California
René Gehring
René Gehring, PhD, is president of Bogenhofen Seminary, St. Peter am Hart, Austria
Student, Andrews University
Samuel Geli
Samuel Geli serves as a chaplain at the Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, California.
Dave Gemmell
Dave Gemmell, D.M/n., is associate director of Adventist Communication Network, North American Division, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Dave Gemmell
— Reviewed by Dave Gemmell, DMin, associate Ministerial director of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
David C. Genaway
DAVID C. GENAWAY Instructor, Central Washington State College, Ellensburg
Petronio M. Genebago
Petronio M. Genebago, PhD, MPH is the Youth director for the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Jed Genson
Jed Genson is pastor of the Sault Ste. Marie, Manistique, and McMillan churches in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, United States
Tina Georgeson
By TINA GEORGESON, Teacher, Central California Conference
Cynthia M.A. Geppert
Cynthia M. A. Geppert MD, PhD, MPH, is professor of psychiatry and director of ethics education, University of New Mexico School of Medicine; and chief, consultation psychiatry & ethics, New Mexico Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.
Lawrence T. Geraty
Lawrence T. Geraty, Ph.D., is professor of archeology and history of antiquity at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Marybeth Gessele
A pastor's wife, Marybeth Gessele writes from Gaston, Oregon. She is the author of No More Cinnamon Bear Cookies, a book on explaining death and dying to children.
Arthur Edwin Gibb
Arthur Edwin Gibb, retired, served as undersecretary for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He resides in Sandy Spring, Maryland, United States.
Betty Gibb
Betty Gibb is a Columbia, Missouri, freelance writer who specializes in health issues.
Kenneth L. Gibble
Kenneth L. Gibble is a writer, editor, and instructor living in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Gary Gibbs
Gary Gibbs is the vice president for Hope Channel.
George R. Gibbs
George R Gibbs is chaplain, Harding Hospital, Worthington, Ohio.
Jacob Gibbs
—Jacob Gibbs pastors the Escanaba, Munising, and Riverside Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Michigan, United States.
Jonathan D. Gibbs
Jonathan D. Gibbs is pastor of the New Brighton, New Castle, and Sharpsville churches in Pennsylvania.
Marjorie Harris Gibbs
By MARJORIE HARRIS GIBBS, Choir Director and Pastor's Wife, Philadelphia
P.T. Gibbs
By P.T. Gibbs
Cora B. Gibson
By Cora B. Gibson
Jesse O. Gibson
Statistical Secretary, General Conference
L. James Gibson
L. James Gibson, PhD, is the director of the Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Robert E. Gibson
By ROBERT E. GIBSON, Associate Radio Evangelist, Baltimore, Maryland
Ty Gibson
Ty Gibson is pastor of Storyline Seventh-day Adventist Church, Eugene, Oregon, United States, and speaker and director for Light Bearers ministry in Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Elaine Giddings
ELAINE GIDDINGS, Professor of Speech, Emmanuel Missionary College
Mayme E. Giddings
By MAYME E. GIDDINGS, Former Missionary to West Africa
Ellie Gil
Ellie Gil is the wife of a pastor who serves in Gonzalez and Denham Springs, Louisiana, United States.
F.C. Gilbert
By F. C. GILBERT, Field Secretary of the General Conference
Jerrell Gilkeson
Jerrell Gilkeson, EdD, is director of education and children’s ministries for the Atlantic Union Conference, South Lancaster, Massachusetts, United States.
Ernestine Gill
By ERNESTINE GILL, R.N., Superintendent of Nurses, Seoul Sanitarium
Eoin Giller
Eoin Giller, D.Min., is the pastor of the Desert Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, Tucson, Arizona.
V. Bailey Gillespie
V. Bailey Gillespie, Ph.D., is professor of theology and Christian personality, and executive director, John Hancock Center for Youth Ministry, La Sierra University, La Sierra, California.
Ithiel E. Gillis
Ithiel E. Gillis, Manager, Voice of Prophecy
John Lewis Gilmore
John Lewis Gilmore is pastor of the Olivet United Church of Christ in Livingston, New Jersey.
S. MacLean Gilmour
S. MacLean Gilmour is Norris Professor of New Testament at Andover Newton Theological School. He holds the B.A. (University of Manitoba)B.D. (Union Theological Seminary, New York)and Ph.D.(University of Chicago).
Ann Gimbel
Ann Gimbel is a homemaker and mother residing in Alberta, Canada.
H. W. Gimbel
Health Secretary, Canadian Union Conference
A.J. Girou
By A. J. GIROU, Evangelist, Madrid, Spain
Duane T. Gish
Duane T. Gish is the associate director of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, California. Before joining the institute, he spent eighteen years in biochemical research at Cornell University Medical College, the virus laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley, and The Upjohn Company. He is the author or coauthor of many technical papers and the author of several books on the creation-evolution question, including his popular Evolution: the Fossils Say No!
J.G. Gjording
BY J. G. Gjording
Ron Gladden
Ron Gladden is the church planting director, North Pacific Union, Vancouver, Washington.
Jerry A. Gladson
Jerry A. Gladson, Ph.D., is an associate professor of religion at Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Oliver Glanz
Oliver Glanz, PhD, is a professor of Old Testament studies at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
John Glass
John Glass, DMin, is pastor for pastoral care at Pioneer Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Arthur F. Glasser
Arthur F. Glasser, Ph. D., teaches at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.
Karen Glassford
Karen Glassford is the global director of Adventist World Radio’s centers of digital evangelism, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Tom Glatts
Tom Glatts, Mdiv, pastors the Westminster and White Rock Seventh-day Adventist Churches in British Columbia, Canada.
Betty Glenn
Bible Instructor, La Crescenta, California
Dan Goddard
Dan Goddard is a pastor living in Apple Valley, California.
Dan W. Goddard
Dan W. Goddard directs the Ministerial Association of the Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Michael Goetz
Micheal Goetz, DMin, is senior pastor of the Centerville Seventh-day Adventist Church in Dayton, Ohio, United States.
Pavel Goia
Pavel Goia, DMin, is the editor of Ministry.
Madeline W. Golding
Madeline W. Golding, Office Secretary, Southern European Division, Berne, Switzerland.
Clifford Goldstein
Clifford Goldstein is the editor of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Kleber Gonçalves
Kleber D. Gonçalves, PhD, is the director of the Global Mission Center for Secular and Postmodern Studies at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He is also an associate professor of the Department of World Mission and the director of the Doctor of Ministry program in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Laurentino E. Gonzaga
Laurentino E. Gonzaga, Chaplain, Manila Sanitarium and Hospital
Eliezer Gonzalez
Eliezer Gonzalez, with masters’ degrees in both theology and early Christian and Jewish studies, is a PhD candidate in Gold Coast, Australia.
Ardaine Gooden
Ardaine Gooden was a graduate student at the time of this writing at the Howard University School of Divinity, Washington, DC.
Thomas W. Goodhue
Thomas W. Goodhue is pastor of Island Park United Methodist Church on Long Island, New York, and author of Kaahnmanu and Stories for the Children of Light.
Vinnie Goodner
Vinnie Goodner
Jeannette Googe
Jeannette Googe, R.N., is manager of Professional Health Media Services
Alfred J. Gordon
By ALFRED J. GORDON, District Pastor, Bellingham, Washington
Lynn and Ron Gordon
Lynn and Ron Gordon, nurse and chaplain, respectively, at Kettering Medical Center, Kettering, Ohio, led a session on divorce recovery at the 1982 Institute on Mental Health at Harding Hospital.
Naomi Gowan
By NAOMI GOWAN, B. N., Supervisor of Instruction, St. Helena Sanitarium
Steven Grabiner
Steven Grabiner, ThD, ACC, president and executive leadership coach for Percepta Leadership Coaching, resides in Apison, Tennessee, United States.
Carrol Grady
Carrol Grady, a freelance writer, lives in Snohomish, Washington.
Billy Graham
Billy Graham
H.L. Graham
By H. L. GRAHAM, Singing Evangelist, Riverside, California
John Graham
JOHN GRAHAM, Angwin, California
Ricardo Graham
Ricardo Graham is the executive secretary of the Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Roy E. Graham
Roy E. Graham is provost of Andrews University and professor of theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.
Robert H. Granger
Robert H. Granger is the former chair of health ministries at Weimar Institute.
Lorenzo H. Grant
Lorenzo H. Grant is the pastor of the University Seventh-day Adventist Church, south central Los Angeles.
Eliezer A. Graterol
Eliezer A. Graterol, PhD, DMin, is a professor of world religions and missions at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.
Arthur H. Grauman
By ARTHUR H. GRAUMAN, M.D., Minister of Music, North Seattle Church, Washington
M.P. Graves
By Miss M. P. GRAVES, Bible Instructor, South England Conference
William C. Graves
WILLIS C. GRAVES, Chaplain, Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital
Don Gray
Don Gray has served as a pastor, church administrator, and ministerial secretary. Throughout his career, however, his first love has always been training and equipping pastors and laity for ministry.
Jean Gray
Jean Gray, who with her pastor-husband has taught Sabbath school classes ranging from the cradle roll through the adult level, writes from Hinsdale, Illinois.
Marjorie V. Gray
Marjorie V. Gray, R.N., is currently associated with her husband, Don Gray, ministerial association secretary of the Lake Union, in teaching classes on how to give Bible studies.
A. Everett Graybill
A. Everett Graybill is a practicing attorney in Pasadena, California. He holds the L.L.B. degree from Willamette University in Oregon.
Brad Graybill
Brad Grabill, a "preacher's kid" himself, is minister of youth and Christian education at the Missionary Church of Van Nuys, California.
Ron Graybill
Ron Graybill, Ph.D., is professor of history at La Sierra University, La Sierra, California.
John Graz
John Graz, Ph.D., is director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, General Conference of Seventhday Adventists.
Ellie Green
Ellie Green is president of E. Green and Associates, Indian Trail, North Carolina.
Gertrude Green
By GERTRUDE GREEN, R. N., Director, School of Nursing, Portland Sanitarium and Hospital, Oregon.
Jon Green
Jon Green is a ministerial intern, Texas Conference
Michael Green
Michael Green is professor of evangelism at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada. Reprinted from Evangelism Through the Local Church by permission of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Richard E. Green
Richard E. Green is a communications assistant far Adventist Information Ministry in Berrien Springs, Michigan
Xavier Green
Xavier Green, a local elder in his church and well-traveled speaker, writes from Detroit, Michigan, United States.
Steve Greene
Steve Greene, PhD, publisher of Ministry Today, SpiritLed Woman, and Charisma magazines, is a nationally known speaker and trainer in marketing and customer relationship management, Lake Mary, Florida, United States.
H.E. Greer
H.E. GREER, Department of Theology, Lodi Academy
Paul Gregoroff
Bible Teacher, Mt. Vernon Academy
Josef A. Greig
A. Josef Greig, Ph.D., is assistant professor of religion at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Albert C. Griffin
By ALBERT C. GRIFFIN, Pastor-Evangelist, Keene, Texas
Vicki Griffin
Vicki Griffin, MS, Human Nutrition; MPA; MACN; Health Ministries director, Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Lansing, Michigan, United States
Roy E. Griffin
By ROY E. GRIFFIN, Pastor-Evangelist, Potomac Conference
Buford Griffith Jr.
Buford Griffith Jr. is director of Sabbath School/Family Life Ministries, Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Burleson, Texas.
Arthur W. Griffith
Arthur W. Griffith is a retired deaf pastor to the deaf in Centralia, Washington, United States.
Joyce Griffith
Joyce Griffith is the director of public relations at Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital in Hinsdale, Illinois.
Victor S. Griffiths
Victor S. Griffiths, Ph. D., is the associate director of the Department of Education at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Scott Griswold
Scott Griswold, MDiv, is director of the Global Mission Buddhist Study Center, Nakhon Luang, Ayutthaya, Thailand.
Vera Groomer
Vera Groomer is manager of the Michigan Conference Sabbath School Evangelism Center and lives with her minister husband in Lansing, Michigan.
Marshall J. Grosboll
Marshall J. Grosboll is pastor of the Berwick, Danville, and Northumberland, Pennsylvania, churches.
Daniel Grotta-Kurska
Daniel Grotta-Kurska is a frequent health writer.
Vernon C. Grounds
Vernon C. Grounds, Ph.D., is chancellor of the Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary, Denver, Colorado.
J. Paul Grove
J. Paul Grove, Chairman, Department of Religion, Oshawa Missionary College
Tom Grove
Tom Grove, DMin, is the associate director of ministry and evangelism for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Fort Worth, Texas, United States.
Clarence Gruesbeck
Clarence Gruesbeck was the director of field education at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan. He now pastors the Green Lake church in the Washington Conference.
Stephen Grunlan
Stephen Grunlan, DMin, is senior pastor of Grace Fellowship, Overland Park, Kansas, United States.
Harold T. Gruver
HAROLD T. GRUVER, Missionary Appointee to Central America
John Grys
John Grys is director of Advent House and editor of the forthcoming Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, Knoxville, Tennessee
Marcio Dias Guarda
Marcio Dias Guarda is Digital Media editor for the Brazil Publishing House, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
C. E. Guenther
C. E. Guenther is associate secretary of the General Conference Lay Activities Department.
Abraham Guerrero
Abraham Guerrero, MA, is an adjunct professor at Andrews University, and managing editor for the Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
David Guerrero
David Guerrero, MA, pastors the Almond, Stevens Point, and Wisconsin Rapids Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Wisconsin, United States.
Lee Gugliotto
Lee Gugliotto is senior pastor of the College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church at Canadian Union College in Alberta, Canada. He recently authored the book Handbook for Bible Study (Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD).
Lillian Guild
Reviewed by Lillian Guild, Bible counselor, Voice of Prophecy radio broadcast.
M.C. Guild
By M. C. GUILD, Minister, Orlando, Florida
Julie Guirgis
Julie Guirgis is a freelance writer and caregiver in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Norman R. Gulley
Norman R. Gulley, Ph.D., is research professor of systematic theology, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Monica Gullon
A free-lance author and the daughter of a minister, Monica Gullon writes from Glendale, California.
Daryl Gungadoo
Daryl Gungadoo, PhD, is an engineer, inventor, and innovator and works as a media lab director for the Adventist Review. He resides in Bracknell, Berkshire, England.
T. Gunston
Pastor, Transvaal Conference, Trans-Africa Division
Elsie Guntrip
By ELSIE GUNTRIP, Bible Worker, South England Conference
Almeda Gustavsen
By ALMEDA GUSTAVSEN, Bible Instructor, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
S. Gustavsson
S. GUSTAVSSON, Union Evangelist, West Africa
Pat Gustin
Pat Gustin is director of the Institute of World Missions, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Fritz Guy
Fritz Guy, Ph.D., is a professor of theological studies at La Sierra University, Riverside, California.
Elmer A. Guzman
Elmer A. Guzman, PhD candidate, serves as adjunct professor of theology at Instituto Adventista Paranaense, Ivatuba, Paraná, Brazil.
Y. Gwalamubisi
Y. Gwalamubisi, Uganda Field Evangelist
David Gyertson
David Gyertson, Ph.D., is president of Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky.
Geary Smith
Geary Smith, MEd,> from the Church of Christ, is a teacher in the Mexia Independent School District, serving Mexia and Tehuacana in Texas, United States.