Jermaine Ma
Jermaine Ma, at the time of this writing, was a graduate student, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, United States.
Clarence E. Macartney
Clarence E. Macartney writes for Christianity Today
K.A. Macaulay
William MacCarty
William MacCarty is an associate pastor of Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Mabel MacDougall
By Mabel MacDougall
J.W. Mace
Mrs. J.W. Mace.
J.W. Mace
J.W. Mace
Norman W. MacFarlane
W. Norman MacFarlane is a retired United Church of Christ pastor and lives in Boring, Maryland
Meade Macguire
MEADE MACGUIRE, Sonora, California
Annie Machamire
Annie Machamire is a pastor's wife in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Jose Maciel
By Jose Maciel, Santa osalfa, Lower California
Nan MacKenzie
By NAN MAcKENZIE, Bible Worker, Oakland, California
Don Mackintosh
Don Mackintosh is a professor and chaplain at Weimar Institute, Weimar, California, United States.
Donald Mackintosh
Donald Mackintosh is a retired pastor living at College Place, Washington.
Don MacLafferty
Don MacLafferty, MDiv, is founder, president, and full-time volunteer with In Discipleship, Apison, Tennessee, United States.
G.M. MacLafferty
G. M. MacLAFFERTY, Pastor, Hawaiian Island
Anthony MacPherson
Anthony MacPherson, BA, pastors the Greensborough and Greenvale Seventh-day Adventist churches in Melbourne, Australia.
Tim Madding
Tim Madding, DMin, is director of the North American Division Evangelism Institute, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
W.R.A. Madgwick
By W. R. A. MADGWICK, Evangelist, North England Conference
Bob Maehre
Bob Maehre pastors the Willoughby and Cleveland Suburban East Seventh-day Adventist churches in Ohio.
Jennifer Maggio
Jennifer Maggio, author and national speaker, is founder and chief executive officer of The Life of a Single Mom ministries, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States.
Eduard Magi
Eduard Magi, Pastor of Estonian, Russian, and Ukrainian Churches, New York and a Director of Refugee Rehabilitation
Allan R. Magie
Allan R. Magie, Ph.D., is chairman of the department of environmental and tropical health in the School of Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Eric Magnusson
Eric Magnusson, who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry, is president of Avondale College in Australia and supervises doctoral and postdoctoral research programs at the Australian National University at Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia.
Kathleen Mahon
By KATHLEEN MAHON, Bible Instructor, South England Conference
Paul L. Maier
Paul L. Maier, Ph.D., professor of history at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Rudi Maier
Rudi Maier, Ph.D., is associate professor of the Department of World Mission, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Wendell E. Malin
By WENDELL E. MALIN, M.D., Medical Director, Wytheville Hospital, Virginia
James Malinki
By JAMES MALINKI, Native M.V. Secretary, Northern, Rhodesia Mission
Janet Mallery
Janet Mallery is a schoolteacher residing in Riverside, California.
Lynn Mallery
Lynn Mallery is assistant professor of applied theology at Loma Linda University.
H. Newton Malony
H. Newton Malony is a professor at the Graduate School of Psychology, FuUer Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. This article is taken from a paper presented at a meeting of the International Council of Psychologists in Mexico City in September 1984.
Joe Maniscalco
Joe Maniscalco is an associate professor of art at Pacific Union College, Angwin, California.
Bryan Mann
Bryan Mann, MDiv, is Men’s Ministries director, Central States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and senior pastor of the Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church in Kansas City, Kansas, United States.
Bruce Manners
Bruce Manners, PhD, is a retired editor and pastor residing in Kilsyth, Victoria, Australia.
C. Manoram.
C. Manoram, Pastor, Port of Spain, Trinidad
D. E. Mansell
Associate Book Editor, Review and Herald Publishing Association
Leslie Mansell
Leslie Mansell, Pastor, Takoma Park Church
W.K. Mansker
W. K. MANSKER, Conference Evangelist, Iowa
Dan Manzano
Dan Manzano is pastor of the Hightstown church in New Jersey.
C. Ivan Maracle
By C. IVAN MARACLE, Choir Director, Takoma Park, Maryland
Kitty Maracle
Kitty Maracle is pastor of the Native Indian Seventh-day Adventist Church in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Roberval Moura Marinho
Roberval Moura Marinho, MTh, is a retired pastor and administrator in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Richard A. Marker
Richard A. Marker, J.D., Ph.D., is the executive secretary of the Southern New England Conference
John Jovan Markovic
John Jovan Markovic, PhD, is associate professor of modern European and church history, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Susan Marks
Susan Marks is a pseudonym.
Alice G. Marsh
Alice G. Marsh, Sc.D., R.D., is professor of home economics at Andrews University.
Frank L. Marsh
Frank L. Marsh is professor of biology, emeritus, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Robert L. Marsh
ROBERT L. MARSH, M.D., Glendale, California
David Marshall
David Marshall, Ph.D., is senior editor at The Stanborough Press, Ltd., Grantham, Lincolnshire, England.
Jeff Marshall
Jeff Marshall, Chaplain, Bass Memorial Academy
Victor D. Marshall
Victor D. Marshall, MA, MEd, MSc, pastors Advent Avenue, King Street, and Goodland Seventh-day Adventist churches, St. Michael, Barbados, West Indies.
Daniel B. Martella
Daniel B. Martella is pastor of the Prove, Utah, Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Ernest W. Marter
Ernest W. Marter is a lecturer in religion at Newbold College, Bracknell, Berkshire, England, and pastor of the Guildford Seventh-day Adventist church, Surrey, England.
A. Allan Martin
A. Allan Martin, PhD, CFLE, is associate professor of discipleship and family ministry, Andrews University Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Bruce Martin
Bruce Martin, PhD, is senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Carlos Martin
Carlos Martin, Ph.D., is professor of missions at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies in the Southern Asia Pacific Division.
Charles D. Martin
Charles D. Martin is the director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministeries
Gladys Martin
Gladys Martin is health-education secretary of the Ethiopian Union Mission. In 1970 she received the M.P.H. degree from Loma Linda University. She has served as teacher, administrator, and hospital food service director during her twenty-seven years of service in Ethiopia.
Herbert Martin
Herbert Martin is a pseudonym for a dentist who lives in the midwestern United States.
Joan Martin
Joan Martin has served as an active layperson in many different churches.
P. W. Martin
P. W. Martin, M.D., writes from the Australasian Division.
Terence K. Martin
By TERENCE K. MARTIN, Art Director, Review and Herald Publishing Association
G. O. Martinborough
G. O. Martinborough is an evangelist for the Inter-American Division, Miami, Florida.
Gordon and Waveney Martinborough
Gordon O. Martinborough, DD, is a retired pastor and codirector of Happy Family Bible Seminars International, Apopka, Florida, United States.
Waveney Martinborough, MA in education, is a retired educator and codirector of Happy Family Bible Seminars International, Apopka, Florida, United States.
Andrew Marttin
Andrew Marttinen is the pastor of the Chatham-Kent district in Ontario, Canada.
Luca Marulli
Luca Marulli, PhD, is professor of New Testament studies, Campus Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges-sous-Saleve, France.
Paul Byabu Masereka
Paul Byabu Masereka, MPTh, serves as ministerial, family ministries, and General Conference Initiatives director of the Western Uganda Field, Hoima, Uganda.
Younis Masih
Younis Masih is lecturer, Biblical studies, Fulton College, Suva, Fiji.
Matt Mason
Matt Mason, DMin, is a chaplain at Crossroads Correctional Center, a maximum-security prison located in Cameron, Missouri, United States.
Melody Mason
Melody Mason, an author, is the coordinator for United in Prayer for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
A.M. Massey
A. M. MASSEY, Pastor, North India Section, Southern Asia Division
James Earl Massey
James Earl Massey, DDiv, is Dean Emeritus and Distinguished Professor at-Large, Anderson University School of Theology, Anderson, Indiana, United States, as well as Emeritus Dean of the Chapel, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, United States.
Robert K. Massie, Jr.
Robert K. Massie, Jr., is an ordained Episcopal priest and was a second-year student at Harvard Business School when he wrote this article.
Doug Matacio
Doug Matacio, PhD, is a professor emeritus, Burman University, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Paul M. Matacio
Ministerial Secretary, Illinois Conference
Elfriede Matejisik
Elfriede Matejisik, Ph.D., public aid caseworker, State of Illinois, and instructor, Truman College, Chicago.
Zacchaeus A. Mathema
Zacchaeus A. Mathema, DMin, is professor of leadership at the Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.
Sydney Mather
Sydney Mather, Takoma Park, Washington, D.C.
G.M. Mathews
G.M. Mathews,Associate Secretary, General Conference Department of Education
L Albert Mathewson
L Albert Mathewson is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner at Lakeshore Mental Health Institute, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Reuben Matiko
Mel Matinyi
Mel Matinyi is a book editor at Tanzania Adventist Press, Morogoro, Tanzania.
W. Matjdsley
By W. MATJDSLEY, Minister, North England Conference
Cristina Matos-Grys
Cristina Matos-Grys, associate pastor, Miami Tabernacle SDA Church, Miami, Florida.
Louise Mattausch
By LOUISE MATTAUSCH, Bible Instructor, Zion, Illinois
Dan Matthews
Dan Matthews is the director and speaker of the Faith for Today television broadcast based in Thousand Oaks, California.
Gregory Matthews
Gregory Matthews is a retired U.S. Army chaplain.
J. Howard Matthews
By J. HOWARD MATTHEWS, Pastor Evangelist, Craig, Colorado
John Matthews
—John Mathews serves as stewardship director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
W. H. Mattison
Former Ministerial Association Secretary, Southern Asia Division
W. Maudsley
By W. MAUDSLEY, Evangelist, North England Conference
Ben Maxson
Ben Maxson, DMin., is director of the stewardship department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Veda Maxson
Veda Maxson and her husband, Glenn, presently are working in the stewardship and development office of the Canadian Union.
A. Graham Maxwell
A. GRAHAM MAXWELL, Director, Division of Religion, Loma Linda University
Arthur S. Maxwell
By ARTHUR S. MAXWELL, Editor of the Signs of the Times, Mountain View, California
B.L. Maxwell
By B. L. MAXWELL, Attorney at Law, Mountain View, California
C. Mervyn Maxwell
C. Mervyn Maxwell, Ph.D., recently retired as professor of church history, Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
E.L. Maxwell
R. Maureen Maxwell
R. MAUREEN MAXWELL, Associate Professor of Nursing, CME School of Nursing, Loma Lind
W.R. May
W.R. May, Coordinator of Evangelism, Chesapeake Conference
Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
Pedrito Maynard-Reid is vice president for spiritual life and mission and professor of biblical studies and missiology, Walla Walla College, College Place, Washington.
Betty D. Mayo
Hearly G. Mayr
Hearly G. Mayr is assistant director for marketing and development, ADRA International, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Walter L. Mazart
By WALTER L. MAZART, Evangelist, Birmingham, Alabama
Alberta Mazat
Alberta Mazat is a marriage and family therapist in Loma Linda, California.
Ruth Simon Mazat
By RUTH SIMON MAZAT, Missionary on Furlough From China
Robert K. MC Reynolds
ROBERT K. MC REYNOLDS, Physician, Burbank California
D. A. McAdams
Secretary, Publishing Department, General Conference
Celia T. McAlister
By CELIA T. McALISTER, Bible Worker, Moline, Illinois
F.B. McAllister
F. B. McAllister, D.D., is emeritus pastor of the Ninth Street Baptist church in Cincinnati, Ohio
Ray W. McAllister
Ray W. McAllister, PhD, is an adjunct professor for Andrews University School of Distance Education, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Eva Jeune McAssey
By EVA JEUNE MCASSEY, Music Instructor, Loma Linda, California
Cathy McBride
Cathy McBride, who recently completed a Master of Social Work degree, writes from Quincy, Florida.
Duane McBride
Duane McBride, Ph.D., is the chair of the behavioral sciences department, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Michael G. McBride
Michael G. McBride, Ph. D., who himself has served in the ministry, is a family mental health counselor in Sequim, Washington.
Clark B. McCall
Clark B. McCall is pastor of the Herman, California, Seventh-day Adventist church.
William McCall
William McCall is pastor of the First Seventh-day Adventist Church, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lenna McCarty
By Lenna McCarty, Bible Instructor, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Andrew McChesney
Andrew McChesney is editor of the Mission quarterlies at Adventist Mission, headquartered at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Jennie Owen McClelland
By Jennie Owen McClelland, Pioneer Bible Worker
Alfred C. McClure
Alfred C. McClure is the former president of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
Chad McComas
Chad McComas, pastor, Medford, Oregon.
J.W. McComas
By ]. W. McCOMAS, Evangelists, Pendleton, Oregon
J.L. McConaughey
By J. L. MCCONAUGHEY, President of the Oklahoma Conference
M. Winifred McCormack
By M. WINIFRED McCORMACK, associate Secretary, General Conference Medical Department
John L. McCoxaughey
By JOHN L. McCOXAUGHEY, President of the Oklahoma Conference
Thomas A. McCoy
By THOMAS A. McCoy, Pastor-Evangelist, Akron, Ohio
Harold W. McCrow
By HAROLD W. MCCROW, Evangelist, North England Conference
Donald W. McCullough
Donald W. McCullough, Ph.D., is president of the San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, California.
Stephen P. McCutchan
Stephen P. McCutchan pastors the Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Karl P. McDonald
By KARL P. McDonald, Choir Director, Madison College, Tennesse
Kevin McDonald
Kevin McDonald is lead pastor of Shady Grove Wesleyan Church, Colfax, North Carolina, United States
Wesley McDonald
Wesley McDonald is pastor of the Berwick, Danville, and Northumberland Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Pennsylvania
Lyndon K. McDowell
Lyndon K. McDowell, D.D., is a retired pastor living in Scottsdale, Arizona.
T.L. McElhany
By T. L. McELHANY, President of the General Conference
J. Wayne McFarland
J. Wayne McFarland, M.D., until his recent retirement, was associate secretary of the Health Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Todd R. McFarland
Todd R. McFarland, JD, is an associate general counsel for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Shirley A. McGarrell
Shirley A. McGarrell is president of a group of ministers' wives in Guyana. She makes her home in Georgetown.
Donald McGavran
Donald McGavran is the founder and dean emeritus of the School of World Mission of the Fuller Theological Seminary. As a missionary and scholar he has devoted the past forty-five years to learning how and why churches grow.
William McGhee
William McGhee, Student Andrews University
Ian McGougan
By IAN MCGOUGAN, Evangelist, South England Conference
John W. McGraw
John W. McGraw is pastor of the Wheaton Seventh-day Adventist church, Wheaton, Maryland.
Jonathan McGraw
Jonathan McGraw is a U.S. Army chaplain and director of the leadership branch of the U.S. Army Engineers' School.
Paul McGraw
Paul McGraw is assistant professor of history at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California.
J. Ralph McIntyre
J. Ralph Mclntyre is director, Church and Staff Support Division, Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, Nashville.
John McIntyre
John Mclntyre is professor of physics at Texas A&M University, and was in charge of research on the linear accelerator at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, when he became a Christian.
Donald W. McKay
DONALD W. MCKAY Layman, New York
Donald W. McKay
Layman, New York
John W. McKelvey
John W. McKelvey, now deceased, wrote this article for the May-June, 1977, issue of Church Management—the Clergy Journal, 4119 Terrace Lane, Hopkins, Minn. 55343
Emily McKendry
By EMILY MCKJENDRY, Bible Instructor, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference
Alma E. McKibbin
R. J. McKinney
Public Relations Secretary, South Atlantic Conference
James B. McLain
James B. McLain pastors the Otis Orchards, Washington, and Post Falls, Idaho, Seventh-day Adventist churches.
John McLarty
Reviewed by John McLarty, recently a pastor in Ohio and now writer and assistant producer of the Voice of Prophecy radiobroadcast, Thousand Oaks, California.
Errol N. McLean
Errol N. McLean, DMin, is an associate professor of church growth and evangelism at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and an associate director of the North American Division Evangelism Institute, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
S. Horton McLennan
By S. HORTON MCLENNAN, Pastor, West Palm Beach, Florida
Robert K. Mclver
Robert K. McIver, PhD, is a professor at Avondale Seminary, Avondale University, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.
Kathy McMillan
Kathy McMillan, M.A., has worked as a registered nurse and is now the director of Employee Spiritual Care at Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, California, United States.
Len McMillan
Len McMillan, Ph.D., is the family life director at the Pacific Health Education Center in Bakersfield, California.
Norman McNairn
By Norman McNairn
Robert McNeill
Robert McNeill pastors the Airdrie and Balzac United Churches, Alberta, Canada.
Justin McNeilus
Justin McNeilus, president of the Generation of Youth for Christ.
D.C. McPeters
By Mrs. D.C. MC Peters
J. Robertson McQuilkin
J. Robertson McQuilkin is president of Columbia Bible College, Columbia, South Carolina. He received the M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary. He previously served for twelve years as a missionary to Japan.
J. Roger McQuistan
J. Roger McQuistan is pastor of the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, church.
Andy McRae
Andy McRae, associate pastor, Sligo church, Takoma Park, Maryland
Carl McRoy
Carl McRoy is the North American Division Literature Ministries director.
Ruby L. McSparban
By Ruby L. McSparban
Bill McVay
Writes from the Upper Columbia Conference
John McVay
John McVay, Ph.D., is the president of Walla Walla University, College Place, Washington, United States.
K.H. Mead
K. H. Mead, prior to his retirement in 1979, served as president of the Tasmanian Conference in Australia.
De Voe K. Meade
By DE VOE K. MEADE, M.D. Washington Sanitarium, D.C.
Norman L. Meager
Norman L. Meager, a retired pastor now living in Sonora, California, has been involved in the design and/or building of more than 20 churches and schools and has served as building consultant to the Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Richard W. Medina
Richard W. Medina is a graduate student of Semitic languages at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, Italy.
J.H. Meier
By J. H. MEJER, Pastor, La Crosse, Wisconsin
A.J. Meiklejohn
BY A. J. Meiklejohn
Henry J. Meissner
By Henry J. Meissner, Oklahoma Conference, Gospel Cartoonist
Betram L. Melbourne
Bertram L. Melbourne, PhD, is a professor of biblical language and literature at the Howard University School of Divinity, Washington, DC, United States.
Eric M. Meleen
By Eric M. Meleen, Former Superintendent, Burma Union Mission
L.S. Melendy
BY L. S. Melendy
C. M. Mellor
Former Ministerial Association Secretary, Northern California Conference
Abby Mendelson
Abby Mendelson is a consultant for the Conflict Resolution Center International, Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Edcarlos Menezes
Edcarlos Menezes, MTh, is a PhD candidate at River Plate Adventist University and pastors the Mato Grosso Conference Adventist Church, Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
H.C. Menkel
By H. C. MENKEL, M.D., Simla, India
Nelson Mercado
Nelson Mercado, MMin, pastors the Nashville First Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nashville, Tennessee, United States.
D.M. Mere
D. M. MERE, Davao City, Philippines
Lester Merklin, Jr.
Reviewed by Lester Merklin, Jr., pastor, Blue Mountain Academy Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hamburg, Pennsylvania.
Lester Merklin
Lester Merklin, DMin, is director of the Global Mission Islamic Center, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
David Merling
David Merling, Ph.D., is curator, Horn Archaeological Museum, and associate professor of history of antiquity, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
L.B. Mershon
By L. B. MERSHON, Former Missionary to Borneo
C.B. Messer
By C. B. MESSER, Pastor, Bay City, Michigan
E.W. Messinger
By E. W. MESSINGER, D.D.S., Local Elder, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Harold E. Metcalf
HAROLD E. METCALF, Ministerial Association Secretary, Southern Union
Jean C. Meyer
By JEAN C. MEYER, Bible Instructor, Alabama-Mississippi Conference
Kathleen Meyer
By Kathleen Meyer
Roelf Meyer
Roelf Meyer, Ph.D., is a researcher for the Institute of Theology and Religion, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
C.H. Meyers
By C.H. Meyers
C.K. Meyers
By C. K. Meyers
E. Olive Meyers
By E. OLIVE MEYERS, Bible, Instructor, Greater New York Conference
Saustin Sampson Mfune
Saustin Sampson Mfune is working on a Doctor of Ministry degree at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Herry Mhando
Herry Mhando is a global evangelist for Light Bearers Ministry, Malo, Washington.
T.J. Michael
By T. J. MICHAEL, Associate Secretary of the General Conference
Alesa Fisher Michalek
Alesa Fisher Michalek, a registered dietitian, teaches nutrition and weight management classes at Hinsdale Hospital's Center for Health Promotion.
Austin Miles
Austin Miles is a chaplain and a college instructor in Northern California.
Norman K. Miles
Norman K. Miles, Ph.D., is the president of Lake Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Chicago, Illinois.
F.R. Millard
F.R. MILLARD, President, Atlantic Union Conference
Glenn Millard
By GLENN MILLARD, Pastor-Evangelist, Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.I.
Emanuel Millen
Emanuel Millen, MDiv, is teaching pastor, Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church, Apopka, Florida, United States.
B. Miller
Bothilde Miller
By MRS. BOTHILDE MILLER, Pioneer Bible Worker in China
Calvin Miller
Calvin Miller, D.Min., is professor of communication and ministry studies at Southwestern Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
Cyril Miller
Cyril Miller is the president of Southwestern Union Conference, Burleson, Texas.
H.W. Miller
Jared Miller
Jared Miller, DMin, pastors the Middle East University Church and the Bouchrieh Seventh-day Adventist Church in Beirut, Lebanon.
Jared S. Miller
Jared S. Miller, DMin, is the pastor of the Middle East University Church and Bouchrieh Church, Beirut, Lebanon.
Johnny V. Miller
Johnny V. Miller, Th.D., is the president of Columbia Bible College and Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina, At the time of writing this article he was the senior pastor of the Cypress Bible Church, Cypress, Texas.
Katie Miller
Katie Miller, MA, is a homemaker and adjunct instructor at Middle East University in Beirut, Lebanon.
L. C. Miller
Former Ministerial Secretary, Middle Eastern Division
Lloyd L. Miller
Lloyd L. Miller, M.D., is a physician and surgeon in South Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Lulu Hill Miller
By LULU HILL MILLER, Teacher of Art, Walla Walla College, Washington
Marjorie Miller
By MARJORIE MILLER, Bible Instructor, Central California Conference
Martha Miller
By MARTHA MILLER, Dietitian, St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital
Murray Miller
Murray Miller, MDiv, pastors five churches in southeast Kansas, United States.
Nicholas P. Miller
Nicholas P. Miller, JD, PhD, serves as associate professor of church history, Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Paul Miller
Paul Miller is pastor of the Grantham United Church in St. Catherine's, Ontario, Canada
Garland J. Millet
Garland J. Millet, Ph.D., is associate director of education in the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
William A. Milliard
WILLIAM A. MILLIARD, Director, Southwest China Mission
A.E. Millner
By A. E. MILLNER, President, Ontario-Quebec Conference
Bernard K. Mills
By BERNARD K. MILLS, District Leader, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
Orris J. Mills
ORRIS J. MILLS, Minister, Southern New England Conference
Phil Mills
Phil Mills, MD, is board chairman of Weimar University and resides in Hixson, Tennessee, United States.
Ronnie Mills
Ronnie Mills, JD, is director of Annual Giving for Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Filip Milosavljević
Filip Milosavljevic, DMin, is the young adult pastor at Loma Linda University Church, Loma Linda, California, United States.
J. Minassian
Public Relations, Iran Section
E. L. Minchin
-Loma Linda University
E.L. Minchin
E. L. MINCHIN, General Field Secretary, General Conference
Brad Minett
—Brad Minett pastors the Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Hemphill, and Corrigan Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Texas.
L.D. Minner
By L. D. MINNER, Superintendent of the Inca Union Mission
J.E. Miracle
By J. E. MIRACLE, M.D., Medical Director, Shen Yang Clinic and Hospital
Armando Miranda
Armando Miranda is a vice president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Omar Miranda
Omar Miranda is an author, lay pastor, and youth counselor residing in Plainville, Georgia, United States.
Gabe Mirkin
Gabe Mirkin, M.D., is a practicing dermatologist and allergist in Silver Spring, Maryland. A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard School of Medicine, he is, in addition to his very busy clinical practice, a student of exercise physiology, a writer, and also a part-time teacher.
Albert I. Mitchell
By ALBERT I. MITCHELL, Evangelist, Victoria, Australia
Charles Mitchell
Charles Mitchell is pastor of the Northridge, California, Seventh-day Adventist church.
Donald G. Mitchell
Donald G. Mitchell, President, Tonga Mission
Henry H. Mitchell
Henry H. Mitchell is president of the Academy of Homiletics, Atlanta, Georgia.
J. Russell Mitchell
By J. Russell Mitchell
John G. Mitchell
By JOHN G. MITCHELL, Pastor-Evangelist, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Mary Jane Mitchell
MARY JANE MITCHELL, Librarian, SDA Theological Seminar
Norman L. Mitchell
Norman L. Mitchell, Ph.D., is associate professor of biology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Daneil A. Mitchell, Sr.
Layman, Loma Linda, California
Mark Mittelberg
Mark Mittelberg is executive vice president for evangelism at the Willow Creek Community Church.
Barbara Mittleider
Reviewed by Barbara Mittleider, travel coordinator, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Kenneth J. Mittleider
President, Wisconsin Conference
Carl A. Mock
By CARL A. MOCK, Pastor, College View, Nebraska
F. Rene Modglin
F. Rene Modglin, M.D., is certified by the American Board of Pathology and has been a coroner's autopsy surgeon since 1956.
H. Moeschinger
By H. MOESCHINGER, Evangelist, German-Swiss Conference
Walter C. Moffett
By WALTER C. MOFFETT, President, West Pennsylvania Conference
L. Lambert Moffitt
By L. LAMBERT MOFFITT, Associate Secretary, Sabbath School Department
Pako Edson Mokgwane
Pako Edson Mokgwane, MA, pastor and chaplain, serves as an associate director of the Youth Ministries department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Mark J. Molldrem
Mark J. Molldrem is the pastor of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Beaver Dam, WI, United States.
Martin Monacell
Martin Monacell, at the time of this writing, was a graduate student at Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, Missouri, United States.
Lance Moncrieffe
Lance Moncrieffe is the pastor of the Chestnut Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. He also serves as the associate ministerial director and lay pastor coordinator for the Pennsylvania Conference.
Henry Monnier
By HENRY MONNIER, Director, Rwankeri Mission Station, Africa
Adolphe Theodore Monod
Adolphe Theodore Monod (1802-1856) was a French Protestant clergyman and editor.
Ruth M. Monroe
By RUTH M. Monroe, Former Superintendent, Bangkok Mission Clinic, Thailand
L. E. Montana
Ministerial Association Secretary, Central Philippine Union Mission
Mary Colby Monteith
By MARY COLBY MONTEITH, Professor of Nursing Education, Pacific Union College
John Warwick Montgomery
John Warwick Montgomery is chairman of the Division of Church History at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and director of the seminary's European program. He received the Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He is an editor-at-large of Christianity Today.
Oliver Montgomery
By OLIVER MONTGOMERY, Chairman of Board, Southern Publishing Association
L.G. Mookerjee
By L. G. MOOKERJEE, Bible Instructor, South India Training School
C.E. Moon
By C. E. MOON, Home Missionary Secretary, Mexican Union Mission
Robert D. Moon
Robert D. Moon, Ph.D., is assistant to the president for planning and management, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Fred B. Moor
By FRED B. MOOR, M.D., Director, School of Physical Therapy, C.M.E
Jonny Wesley Moor
Jonny Wesley Moor, is an MDiv candidate, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
A. Leroy Moore
A. Leroy Moore is the coordinator of native American work for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
Bobby Moore
Bobby Moore, DMin, is pastor of the Highline Seventh-day Adventist Church, Burien, Washington, United States.
Emily Moore
Emily Moore, whose husband pastors the local church of the Nazarene, writes from Vicksburg, Michigan.
Kevin J. Moore
Kevin J. Moore,Director of Ministerial Training, Fulton Missionary College
Marvin Moore
Marvin Moore, editor of Signs of the Times, writes from Nampa, Idaho.
Paul E. Moore
Paul E. Moore teaches New Testament in the School of Theology at River Plate College, Entre Rios, Argentina.
Ralph B. Moore
Ralph B. Moore, M.D., serves as medical director of Eden Valley Sanitarium in Colorado. A graduate of Loma Linda University, he spent three years as a medical missionary in South Africa.
Raymond S. Moore
Graduate Program Officer for United States Education
Arnaud C. Moorooven
Arnaud C. Moorooven, a local church pastor in Mauritius Island
Hensley M. Moorooven
Hensley M. Moorooven, the Undersecretary of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Mary H. Moose
By Mary H. Moose
Lourdes Morales-Gudmundsson
Lourdes Morales- Gudmundsson, Ph.D., chairs the Department of Modern Languages at La Sierra University, Riverside, California.
J.P. Moreland, PhD
J. P. Moreland, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California, United States.
Inis Morey
By Inis Morey, Bible Worker, Chicago, Illinois
Clyde Morgan
Clyde Morgan, Mdiv, founder and president of Adventist Frontier Missions for 22 years, now provides consulting services through Global Frontiers International (dba GFI Consulting).
Douglas Morgan
Douglas Morgan, PhD, is professor of history and political studies, Washington Adventist University, Takoma Park, Maryland, United States.
Garhett Morgan
Garhett Morgan and his wife, Dakota, serve as a pastoral couple in the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, overseeing a two-church district in Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States.
Jason D. Morgan
Jason D. Morgan, evangelist, North Pacific Union Conference
Kevin L. Morgan
Kevin L. Morgan pastors the Warrensville and Wilkesboro Seventh-day Adventist Churches in North Carolina, United States.
Ainsworth Morris
Ainsworth K. Morris, DMin, is the senior pastor at Kansas Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church, Riverside, California, United States.
Bodil Morris
Bodil Morris, RN, MSN, ARNP, is the director of health ministries at Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church, Apopka, Florida, United States.
Chris Morris
Chris Morris, a graduate of Arizona Christian University, serves as editor for the Amazon anthology, Whispers in the Pews: Voices on Mental Illness in the Church.
Derek J. Morris
Derek J. Morris, DMin, is president of Hope Channel International, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
H. Jack Morris
H. Jack Morris, D. Min., is pastor of Largo Community Church, Mitchellville, Maryland.
Henry M. Moriss
Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., is director of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, California.
Richard A. Morris
Richard A. Morris is pastor of the Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Seventh-day Adventist church.
Harvey A. Morrison
HARVEY A. MORRISON, Secretary of the General Conference Department of Education
C. E. Moseley Jr.
Former Field Secretary, General Conference
Kalapala J. Moses
Kalapala J. Moses, Ph.D., is the Global Mission coordinator of the Southern Asia Division.
Peter Mosgofian
Peter Mosgofian is a co-author of Sexual Misconduct in Counseling and Ministry, published by Word, Inc., Dallas, Texas.
Jiří Moskala
Jiří Moskala, ThD, PhD, is professor of Old Testament exegesis and theology and dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Edward Motschiedler
Edward Motschiedler, D.Min., is the president of the Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Lenel G. Mould
LENEL G. MOULD, Bible Instructor in Religion, Columbia Union College
Bruce C. Moyer
BRUCE C. MOYER Bible Teacher, Auburn Academy
Bruce C. Moyer
Bruce C. Moyer, S.T.D., is the associate director of the Institute of World Mission at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He formerly worked as the Senior Advisor on AIDS for ADRA International.
Gary Moyer
Gary Moyer, MDiv,is vice president for administration, Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.
Ruth L. Moyer
By RUTH L. MOYER, R.N., New Orleans, Louisiana'
Bonnie Moyers
Bonnie Moyers is a wife and mother living in McDowell, Virginia
D.A. Mozar
By MRS. D. A. MOZAR, Bible Worker, Greater New York Conference
Harold N. Mozar
HAROLD N. MOZAR Director of Public Health, El Dorado County, California
Davide Mozzato
Davide Mozzato is a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Florence, Italy.
Ekkhardt Mueller
Ekkehardt Mueller, ThD, DMin, is an associate director (ret.) of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Walter Mueller
Walter Mueller, D.Min., is interim pastor of the William and Mary Hart Presbyterian Church in Leggett, North Carolina.
Kambale Muhongya
Kambale Muhongya, MA, is a PhD candidate at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Christopher Kabwe Mukuka
Christopher Kabwe Mukuka, MA, is a pastor in East Zambia. He is completing a PhD in World Missions at the Adventist University of Africa in Nairobi, Kenya.
George Muller
GEORGE MULLER, Founder of the great faith orphanage in England
Richard Muller
Richard Muller, Th, D., is a pastor in the West Danish Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. In his spare time he is studying the primary sources of Swiss, German, and Dutch Anabaptists on baptism.
M. Captain Muluda
By M. CAPTAIN MULUDA, Chaplain, Malamulo Mission Hospital, East Africa
C. E. Mulvihill
Director of Counseling and Testing, Atlantic Union College
M.E. Munger
By M. E. MUNGER, Pastor, Buffalo, New York
Laundale Munroe
Laundale Munroe is Sabbath School director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in western Jamaica.
G.W. Munson
G.W. MUNSON, Ministerial Association Secretary, Korean Union Mission
Henry K. Munson
By HENRY K. MUNSON, Evangelist, North England Conference
Howard A. Munson
Pastor, Sonoma, California
Nina M. Munson
By NINA M. MUNSON, R.N., Medical Historian, Loma Linda Sanitarium
Ruth M. Murdoch
Ruth M. Murdoch, professor emeritus of educational psychology and counseling at Andrews University, stood by her minister-husband throughout their 46 years together before his death.
W. G. C. Murdoch
Dean, Theological Seminary, Andrews University
W.L. Murill
W.L. Murill, Secretary-Treasurer, Washington Conference
Steve Murphy
Steve Murphy, MS, LGPC, NBCC, pastor of the Wheaton Seventh-day Adventist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Milton Murray
Milton Murray, recently retired director, Philanthropic Service for Institutions, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Jessie Wilmore Murton
By JESSIE WILMORE MURTON, Poet, Battle Creek, Michigan
John Mustard
By JOHN MUSTARD, Minister, South England Conference
Joel N. Musvosvi
Joel N. Musvosvi, Ph.D., is the dean of the seminary at the Adventist International Institute for Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Patricia B. Mutch
Patricia B. Mutch is an assistant professor of home economics at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Patricia B. Mutch
Patricia B. Mutch, R.D., Ph.D., is professor of home economics in Andrews University's College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Institute of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency.
Yelena Muzykina
Yelena Muzykina, MA, is senior lecturer of humanities at Zaoksky Christian Institute, Zaoksky, Tula Region, Russia.
Elijah Mvundura
Elijah Mvundura, MA, is a freelance writer residing in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Caesar Wamalika Mwachi
Reviewed by Caesar Wamalika Mwachi, chaplain, Chebwai Seventh-day Adventist School, Kenya, East Africa
Emmanuel Mwale
Emmanuel Mwale is a pastor in the Katete Mission District of Seventh-day Adventists, Katete, Zambia, Central Africa.
Pardon Mwansa
—Pardon Mwansa is a Vice President for the World Church of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Paul Mwansa
Paul Mwansa served as an intern for Ministry in the summer of 2007.
E. Olive Myers
By E. OLIVE MYERS, Bible Instructor, Greater New York Conference
F.D. Myers
By MRs. F. D. MYERS, Bible Worker, Reading, Pennsylvania
Safary Wa-Mbaleka
Safary Wa-Mbaleka, EdD, PhD,is associate professor of education, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.