J.E. Fulton
J. E. Fulton was the field secretary for the Pacific Union Conference when he wrote this article.
Corroboration of Sanctuary Positions
How bible expositors corroborate the conclusions set forth by our church on prophecy.
Test by the Word and the Fruitage
As I review the character of that movement of many years ago, and compare it with certain efforts projected in recent years, I observe many like features that mark them all with a common brand.
Conditions to Divine Healing
Seventh-day Adventists take what is really a balanced position upon the subject of divine healing. We recognize the promise in the Word that God will heal sickness, and yet we do not think it out of harmony with true faith in God to call upon the wise and conscientious physician, and to use natural remedies in an effort to recover strength.
Emphasize the Fundamentals
The presentation of the old-time message in the setting of the sanctuary and the twenty-three hundred days always brings confidence and assurance to our people.
Our Solemn Accountability as Ministers
Genuine piety is the first indispensable requisite for receiving the call to become a minister for God, an ambassador for Christ.