Paul Hamel

Dr. Paul Hamel is chairman, Music Department, Andrews University, having been on the music staff at Andrews since 1947, the year before his graduation there. He also holds the Master of Music degree from Van Der Cook College of Music, Chicago, and his doctorate from Chicago Musical College. He has been chairman of the Music Department at Andrews since 1955.

Music in the Church (part 3)

WE MUST be alert lest we assimilate into the worship service those songs that reflect a weak or false philosophy. At the same time, it is important for us to recognize that theological ideas may be ex pressed in new ways that are orthodox, and that there have been changes in composition techniques for sacred music. . .

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Music in the Church (part 2)

THERE are certain kinds of religious or gospel folk songs and styles of performance that are out of place in the church. I personally question the use of amplified guitars, a trap-drum set, and a bass viol played in a certain style that emphasizes beat and rhythm. These instruments have so many associational connections with secular musical situations that are openly wanton and musically and morally vulgar, that the minds of most people would be diverted from the worship service by their use. . .

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Music in the Church (part 1)

MAN instinctively senses the value of music in his efforts to glorify God, and he has made it a part of his worship since Creation. . .

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