Wayne C. Hill
Chaplian Wayne C. Hill, Parks Air Force Base, California
Bible Instructor's Responsibility
There has been in all ages a unique place of Christian service for consecrated women in the proclamation of the gospel.
Working With Fluorescent Materials
The sensational effect of black light is produced by placing a desired picture or message that has been treated with luminous paint before a black-light tube in an otherwise darkened room. The tube put out by General Electric costs about $32.80.
A Conference President Views the "Prayer-and-Perspiration" Plan
When a building is constructed under what Elder Neil calls the "prayer-and-perspiration" plan, it frequently takes longer to complete operations.
Making the Testimonies Live
How can the local pastor or district leader guide the members of his churches into a wider knowledge and better understanding of the writings of God's messenger, Ellen G. White?
The Military Fisherman
Chaplain Hill has written this thought-provoking article at the request of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.