Wayne Hooper
Wayne Hooper was the director of music for the King's Heralds for the Voice of Prophecy. He is now retired and lives in California.
The Message of a Song Service
When a minister speaks to a congregation, he measures his sermon by the attention accorded his words and by the negative or positive reaction which he receives, as recorded in the faces of the hearers. I have also found this to be a comparatively safe guide to follow in the service of song in our evangelistic meetings.
Make Them Want to Sing
Here are a few methods of selling a very worth-while product—audience participation in the song service:
Salesmanship in a Song Service
How can a singing evangelist capture and hold the undivided attention of his audience, and, what is more important, obtain their enthusiastic participation?
Is it time for a new hymnal?
The current Church Hymnal was published forty years ago, in 1941. In June, 1980, the editor asked, "Do We Need a New Hymnal?" Several readers responded——almost all answering in the affirmative. The following reactions set forth the reasons two readers feel a new hymnal is needed and what we can do meanwhile to use the present one to better advantage.
How a hymnal Is born
It has been forty-one years since the current church hymnal came into being. Its successor is planned for 1985. Wayne Hooper, executive secretary of the hymnal committee, tells Editor J. R. Spangler what has been done to this point.
Tips on teaching new hymns
If you've ever found yourself singing a solo as you tried to get the congregation to sing a new song, you'II welcome these suggestions for getting everyone involved.
How to use the new hymnal
Our new Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal is fresh off the press, and brimming with good music, new and old. You will find many new features in it. This article will help you get more value from each page of the hymnal.
Inspire your congregation's singing
Helping your congregation to sing with understanding may help them to sing with spirit