Secret of Soul Winning

Outlines and sermon suggestions.

By Frederick Lee

Secret of Soul Winning

By Frederick Lee

Text, John 12:32: "I, if I be lifted up, . . . will draw all men unto Me."

Instrumentality.— Soul winning the great work of the church; the church an evangelizing agency; when the church loses sight of its mission, it ceases to exist. Christ said, "Go ye." The minister the special messenger of the church; every member of the church a soul-winning instrument.

Secret.— The text contains the secret of soul winning, by revealing (a) the instrument, (b) the power, (c) the method.


1. Method,

a. Lift Up Christ.— To lift up Christ means to reveal His character — to put Him on display in our life. When Christ was lifted up on the cross, men first derided, then marveled, and finally were convinced of His divine power. Mark 15:29-39; Matt. 27:39, 54. Is Christ hidden or revealed in your life?

b. None Other Name (Acts 4:11, 12). — The stone that was hidden — lost ­became the Chief Stone. Has Christ been forgotten or neglected in your life? All needs supplied (Phil 4:19):

The world is sick: Christ is the healer.

The world is ignorant: Christ is the wisdom of God.

The world is sinful: Christ is the cleanser.

The world is perishing: Christ is the Saviour.

The world is sorrowful: Christ is the Comforter.

c. Reveal the Hidden Mysteries (Eph. 3:8-12; Col. 1:25-27; 2:2, 3).— Mysteries hidden from the beginning in Christ Jesus are now to be revealed in us. As the serpent was lifted up in the wilder­ness as the only source of healing, so we are to lift up Christ in our lives, that others may look and live.

2. Power

a. Christ the Power." I will draw." Man has no power to save. Man re­veals Christ; Christ saves. When men know what Christ can do for them, they will desire His help.

b. Christ the Magnet." I will draw all men unto Me." The magnet draws up to itself. The drawing power is not in the hand that holds the magnet, but in the magnet itself. When the poles of the magnet are covered, the power is lost. Reveal Christ, and the con­straining, winsome power of His love will draw the heart to Him. 2 Cor. 5: 14; 1 John 4: 19.

3. Instrumentality

a. Man.God has chosen to reveal Christ through man. Man is hidden, Christ is manifested. Col. 3: 3.

b. Agencies.(1) A crucified Christ is to be lifted up. Not a human Christ, but an atoning Christ; not a perfect man, but a perfect God-man. (2) The true gospel. Two gospels are spoken of -- one of man, another of Christ. One is the gospel of man, revealed in ex­ternalism, morality, culture. This gos­pel may polish the exterior, but it never saves. The modernistic view of Christ is nothing more nor less than a cultured man. This is not the true gospel. Adhere to the everlasting gos­pel. Rev. 14: 6, 7. (3) Personal re­vealing of Christ. Bear the marks of the Lord in our body (Gal. 6: 17); know nothing but Christ (1 Cor. 2:2) ; Christian boldness leads observers to acknowledge a great fact. Acts 4: 13.

c. Message.Preach, not a histori­cal, theoretical Christ, but the personal Christ, the One who has been lifted up in your life and made both Saviour and Lord. Actions, words, thoughts, motives, sermons, should reveal the personal, living Christ.

4. Results

The discovery of the secret of soul winning leads to wonderful results. " All men" will be attracted to the Magnet; the influence cannot easily be resisted. There is a wonderful, mys­terious power at work when Christ is lifted up in the life of the preacher. Men want convincing proof that Christ can and does save now. Do my life and your life convince them? The motto for our ministry and life should be, Lift up Christ. " I, if I be lifted up, . . . will draw all men unto Me."

Shanghai, China.

By Frederick Lee

June 1929

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