The Preacher's Influence
Today, both in print and from the platform, the minister and his work are frequently ridiculed and spoken of with contempt. Science, philosophy, and modern industrialism are lauded to the skies, while the preacher and his message and influence are belittled.
The Minister's Wife and Applied Ideals
The minister should always find rest—spiritual, mental, and physical—in his home.
"Beautify the House of the Lord"
The divine pattern, the heavenly blue print, clearly indicated that no careless plans nor indifferent work would be acceptable to God.
Making the Effort Pay Its Way
It is quite possible to budget the expenses of an evangelistic campaign with a fair degree of accuracy.
Evangelistic Work in the Smaller Towns
During the first four years of my ministry, while I was working in country schoolhouses and in small towns, the Lord helped me to raise up a number of companies, and to build three new churches and buy another.
The Advantage of a "Health Night"
The more I study the Spirit of prophecy, the more I am convinced that health reform is to play a fundamental part in the giving of the last saving message to the world.
An Appeal for More Effective Advertising
One of the heaviest items of evangelistic expense is advertising. It should, therefore, contribute largely to the success of evangelistic endeavor.
Reaction on the Age of the Universe
Modern science is subject to vogues, and that usually these fleeting scientific fashions are based on some exaggerated view of recent discoveries.