Making the Effort Pay Its Way

It is quite possible to budget the expenses of an evangelistic campaign with a fair degree of accuracy.


It is quite possible to budget the expenses of an evangelistic campaign with a fair degree of accuracy. The conference usually passes on to the worker a sum of money to carry forward the effort; but if the work is to pay its way, this sum must be returned to the conference, and not counted in the budget, but regarded as a loan for the period of the campaign.

In order to finance an effort success­fully, two points—income and expend­iture—must be watched carefully. Ad­vertising occupies a large place in the expense account, and study should be given to make it economical as well as effective. Frequently the handbills for two or three weeks can be set up and printed on one sheet, which, when cut up, will furnish different styles and shapes for each week. The saving thus effected is considerable. It is often profitable to spend a quarter of the amount set aside for advertising during the first week, to make certain of obtaining a good audience at the outset.

The crowd will pay the bill; there­fore it is imperative that a large audi­ence be secured for at least half of the campaign. The attendance will dimin­ish somewhat after the testing truths are presented; so if the effort is to be successfully financed, the first month should record a constant good attend. ance.

The public who attend the services are interested in the work we are do­ing. Before some of those in attend­ance become prejudiced, they are anx­ious for its success, and ought to have opportunity to share in the financial burden. An offering should be taken at every service. But it is not advis­able to press too frequently for large offerings. Occasionally the actual fig­ures of income and expenditure may be given, mentioning the various items that go to make up the expense ac­count. It is profitable to take up at least two special thank offerings dur­ing a series of meetings, using the en­velope method, and giving the people one week in. which to lay aside the gift.

If the workers are united in the plan that the campaign shall be self-sup­porting, there are many ways in which expense may be saved. When each worker takes to heart the burden of saving all expenditure except that which will show real returns, the cam­paign will usually come out on the right side of the ledger. It is a good plan at the very first to make an esti­mate of the total amount of offerings that it is hoped may be received dur­ing the entire series, and let this rep­resent the total expense.

A suggestive division of expense in making up the budget for a tent effort might be as follows, though this will vary according to the location and size of the campaign: Advertising, 60 per­cent; erection and arrangement of tent, 20 percent; tent master's wages, 10 percent; incidental expense, 10 percent. For a hall effort the following proportion is suggested: Rent, 40 percent; advertising, 50 percent; inciden­tal expense, 10 percent.

Johannesburg, South Africa.


June 1932

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