Going Weeping Reaping Rejoicing
There must be a going forth in seed sowing before there can be any gathering of sheaves.
Adversity's Relation to Spirituality
Devotional study on May 2, 1933, in the General Conference chapel
The Challenge of the East to World Peace
Are we as Seventh-day Adventist workers aware of the significance of events that are taking place in the Orient today?
Church Revival Efforts
There is a crying need all over the field for revival efforts in our churches.
Capitalize the Laymen in Evangelism
One way of securing the names and addresses of interested persons who attend our evangelistic meetings, is to pass out cards.
A Veteran Missionary Answers Questions
What are some of the fundamental principles that the missionary appointee should bear in mind as he approaches his new field, and comes into contact with a situation so completely different from his homeland life? What are some of the principles that should govern him as he endeavors to give the everlasting gospel to heathen peoples?
The Minister and the Sabbath School
Should not our ministry undertake to see that 100 percent of our church membership are members of the Sabbath school?
Editorial Keynotes
Did Mrs. White ever use quotations from the Apocrypha in the text of her writings, or cite them in footnotes?
A Confidential Survey of Our Situation
I appeal to you as ministers of the gospel, leaders in the work, for a still stronger leadership and a larger service in this critical hour of the work.