Medical Missionary Course Values

The enemy of our souls is seeking in every possible way to lead men away from God. One of his most successful ways of accomplish­ing his task is to drag men down physically.

By ALGER FRANCIS JOHNS, Pastor, Nevada-Utah, Conference

The enemy of our souls is seeking in every possible way to lead men away from God. One of his most successful ways of accomplish­ing his task is to drag men down physically. Few in the world realize the close connection between the physical and the moral powers, for when the physical and mental powers are les­sened, the moral and spiritual faculties are deadened. Thus we find that in God's last great message for this hour, He seeks to free men from Satan's bondage, physically as well as spiritually. Health reform is an integral part of the gospel which prepares men to meet a soon-coming Saviour.

"The gospel and the medical missionary work are to advance together. The gospel is to be bound up with the principles of true health reform. Chris­tianity is to be brought into the practical life. Earnest, thorough reformatory work is to be done True Bible religion is an outfiowing of the love of God for fallen man. God's people are to advance in straightforward lines to impress the hearts of those who are seeking for truth, who desire to act their part aright in this intensely earnest age. We are to present •the principles of health reform before the people, doing all in our power to lead men and women to see the necessity of these principles, and to practice them."—"Testimonies," Vol. VI, p. 379.

As a worker in the Lord's vineyard, I found that the recent medical missionary course at Loma Linda was of great value in supplying needed training in the presentation of our health work as a part of the third angel's message. The health work has aptly been compared to the "right arm" of the message. It is an entering wedge in presenting the truths of the Bible. Modern medical science confirms health truths and methods which have long been known to us as a people. In such a line of study as the medical missionary course at Loma Linda pro­vides, we learn how best to fit our health mes­sage to modern needs. If we can present a practical health program to the public, we may be able to break down existing prejudice, and thus increase -our chance to gain a hearing in the doctrinal truths of the Bible. We all realize that a health worker can gain entrance to many homes where the ordinary preacher would not be permitted to enter.

The medical missionary course gave us a many-sided view of what could be done. We had courses in physiology, nutrition, home nurs­ing, first aid, hydrotherapy, etc., and instruction and discussion concerning the practical use of these subjects in public efforts and church work. The course is of value in giving our workers some things that are seldom taught in other schools or in actual field work. It is helpful not only in working for the public, but also in the personal life of the worker himself.

The present value of such a course is great, but even though a worker might not have tin immediate opportunity to use anything gained from the course, it would still be of inestimable value to him in the future. We are living in a time of crisis. A war, unprecedented in its scope, is devastating the world of today. Even worse, in many respects than the war itself, are the famine and hunger which will inevitably follow the conflict, and the pestilence and plague which trail alone in the wake of war and famine. In times of such crisis, every worker —yes, and every church member—will be kept busy using all the knowledge he has to help humanity.

In the closing scenes of this world's history our medical missionary work will carry on where all other lines of work are closed. Those who are able to minister from house to house to the physical needs of humanity will be able to preach the gospel when all others will be unable to do so.

By ALGER FRANCIS JOHNS, Pastor, Nevada-Utah, Conference

January 1943

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