A Brief Survey of Four Institutes

The Northern Union Conference minis­terial institute was held in the city of St. Paul.

By JOHN L. SHULER, Instructor in Evangelism, Theological Seminary

The Northern Union Conference minis­terial institute was held in the city of St. Paul. The emphasis in this convention was on the need of larger results in soul winning. It was encouraging to note the large number of fine young men who are catching the spirit of evangelism. It would appear that fully sev­enty-five per cent of the working staff of the union are those who have recently come from our colleges. The hope of our cause in evange­lism rests largely with our young men. Our col­leges are sending forth valiant youth, and it is good to know that plans are being laid to strengthen the evangelistic training in the colleges.

It was fortunate that this institute convened in one of the Twin Cities, where M. K. Ecken­roth was conducting a successful evangelistic campaign. This gave opportunity for the entire company of ministers and Bible instructors to attend Elder Eckenroth's Sunday night meeting as a part of the institute, and see evangelism in action.

The Central Union institute was held in the city of St. Louis. Here, too, as one looked over the assembled group of workers, the preponder­ance of young workers was markedly apparent. As these young workers catch the spirit of evangelism and launch out into the deep, we shall see a most encouraging evangelistic ad­vance.

One of the distinctive features of the St. Louis meeting was the marked interest shown in the group meetings—the city evangelistic, the pastoral, the evangelistic music, and the Bible instructor groups. These meetings were well attended, and brought definite and specific help to the respective groups.

It was observed in the St. Louis meeting how the plan of a union conference evangelistic team creates and fosters,an evangelistic spirit within the worker group. Would that every union con­ference could have a sfrong evangelistic team, to give an evangelistic lead to the work within its borders.

The Columbia Union institute was conducted at Cincinnati. One of the outstanding features of this convention was the evangelistic sympo­sium. A large variety of topics covering certain vital aspects of evangelism were ably presented by various workers from within the union. These presentations brought to light many helpful suggestions which were greatly appreci­ated by the workers.

At one of the evening meetings there were present a large number of the converts from the Boothby campaign in this city a few years ago. It was good to see these tangible fruits of evan­gelism. What a happy day it will be when around the throne of God we shall see the re­sults of the toil, tears, and prayers.

The large place which Washington Mission­ary College holds in the advancement of the work in the Columbia Union Conference was forcefully brought to the attention of all when considerably over one hundred of the workers stood on a call to those present who had re­ceived their training in this college. The in­creasing emphasis on theological training in this college in recent years has borne good fruitage.

The Lake Union institute was held at Grand Rapids. One of the encouraging features of this institute- was the adoption of a goal of a net gain of one thousand souls a year for the next quintennial period. This is indicative of the ag­gressive evangelistic spirit of the Lake Union worker group. The adoption of this. goal served as a spearhead to implement the instruction and discussion of the various aspects of evangelism.

Elder Buches' studies dealing with the work of the pastor were helpful and thought provoking. Elder Froom's studies on the Ad­vent sources gave the workers a new apprecia­tion of the remnant church as the continuation of God's pattern of truth through the centuries. of the Christian Era. Elder Nichol's studies helped the workers to see more clearly how the message we preach fits this new atomic age.

This institute closed with a high spiritual note. It was my privilege to give a study on the subject "How May I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?" The entire worker body came forward to consecrate themselves to God for this divine enduement.

May God speed the time when the heralds of His last-day message will be so filled with His Spirit that the work will be speedily and glori­ously consummated.

By JOHN L. SHULER, Instructor in Evangelism, Theological Seminary

July 1947

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Organizing for Youth Evangelism

"Youthful talent, well organized and well trained, is needed in our churches."

Efforts in Our Churches

The great challenge to reach the cities.

Preparing Ground for an Effort

Many a minister today, who is only a medi­ocre worker, might be a mighty soul win­ner for Christ if he, like Jotham, "prepared his ways before the Lord his God."

How to Win More Men

During thirty years in the ministry the Lord has blessed me in winning many men as well as women to this truth.

Columbia Union Symposium

The evangelistic symposium held at Cincinnati, Ohio, February 22 to March 6, 1947, was one of the high lights in connection with the quadrennial session of the Columbia Union Conference.

Loyalty to God and Brethren

The conclusion to this series.

Preparing Candidates for Baptism'

From the Columbia Union Ministerial Institute.

Bible Instructor Group Meetings VIII.

The Atlantic Union ministerial institute was held in New York City.

Training and Selecting Helpers

From the Columbia Union Ministerial Institute.

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