Preaching at Lake Victoria
It thrills my heart every time I visit these faithful believers, adding strength and courage to my own soul.
Coordination of Activities
If any a colporteur evangelist has seriously raised the question: "Does it pay to keep in touch with the evangelist or district pastor?"
University of Chicago Radio Workshop
The year-old Protestant Radio Commission and the University of Chicago held a joint Religious Radio and Television Workshop, August 1-26, in the theological seminary building at Chicago University.
Specific Aims of Religious Broadcasters
Talk presented at Midwestern Radio Workshop at Saint Louis in May.
New Impetus to City Evangelism in Australia
With a population of but 7,500,000 in Australia, one might think there would be little scope for city evangelism in this large territory. However, approximately four million of this total are found in six of the state capitals. The years 1947 to 1949 are marking a series of successful evangelistic campaigns in the country's three largest cities—Brisbane. Melbourne, and Sydney.
Keeping Evangelistic Records
In a program of evangelism I welcome every method, or device, that proves to be a timesaver. The better one is organized, the more souls can be reached. Methods and devices are only means toward a greater and much more important end. But tools in the hands of the workman are most necessary.
The Mind of the Minister
Great leaders of men have invariably been men of great intellect.