Keeping Evangelistic Records

In a program of evangelism I welcome every method, or device, that proves to be a time­saver. The better one is organized, the more souls can be reached. Methods and devices are only means toward a greater and much more important end. But tools in the hands of the workman are most necessary.

By HAROLD H. SCHMIDT, Evangelist Peoria, Illinois

In a program of evangelism I welcome every  method, or device, that proves to be a time­saver. The better one is organized, the more souls can be reached. Methods and devices are only means toward a greater and much more important end. But tools in the hands of the workman are most necessary.

For this reason I gladly submit a system of filing I am using to advantage in my evange­listic work. The card I use provides complete information about the person in question: (I) name and address, (2) church affiliation, (3) S. D. A. backslider, (4) backslider from an­other church, (5) under conviction, (6) keeping Sabbath, (7) baptismal prospect, (8) attends baptismal class, and (9) date of baptism. Be­sides this information there is a place on the card to check the subjects the person has heard, and the literature received. The back of the card is ruled off and numbered, allowing space for the worker's personal report of the interest at each visit.

I have a master file of these cards in white. Each worker has the same card in another color, which he uses for his own record of the people under his charge. When a workers' meeting is held the chairman uses the master file, and information is inserted upon it as each worker makes his report from his own cards.

This system was designed by one of our younger workers, H. E. Douglass, who is asso­ciated with me in a city-wide effort. I have found it to be very helpful, and hope others will also. [ See page 12 for front side of card.]

By HAROLD H. SCHMIDT, Evangelist Peoria, Illinois

November 1949

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