"Adorn the Doctrine"
There is no element in the preacher's life that is of more importance than his example.
Convincing Evidences
Just now, forty years and more after Ellen White laid down her pen, new items of clear, confirming evidence of her gift of inspiration are being discovered and presented to the public in an unprecedented manner Newspapers, magazines, and books all around us pile up evidence regarding her veracity.
The Gift That Builds
To read all of Mrs. White's writings will indeed be a major task, but a spiritually profitable one.
Our Minister
Our preacher knew just what to say to soothe the hurt in our hearts and to encourage us to faithfulness in the face of taunts and sneers on the part of our non-Adventist classmates.
A Non-Adventist Leader Examines Our Beliefs
Book reviews on Questions on Doctrine continue to come to our desk.
What Kind of "Voice" Are You?
There is no doubt that John the Baptist was one of the most successful preachers the world has ever known
To "Every Nation . . ." The Divine Command to a Universal Church
A world-embracing task confronts God's people today.
The Middle East--Cradle of Strife!
Ever since Noah's ark docked somewhere in the vicinity of Mount Ararat, the leading nations of the world have managed to focus their sights on that geographical area that is today commonly referred to as the Middle East.
The Evangelical World Prospect: An Interview with Billy Graham
Reprinted by permission, Christianity Today, Oct. 13, 1958