The Beatitudes of Revelation
A loyal veteran, still active for God with voice and pen, sends us this suggested sermon outline. We invite similar contributions from preachers who desire to help their fellows.
Seminary Extension School in Southern Europe
The summer Extension School of the Theological Seminary of Andrews University was sponsored by the Southern European Division and held at the Seminaire Adventiste, Collonges-sous-Saleve, France.
Youth Join Hands
Missionary volunteers believe the time has arrived for God's youth to join hands with the pastors in active soul winning.
Some Pulpits I have Known
Some of the pulpits I have known through the years are quite unforgettable. There was the crude pulpit, the promotion-filled pulpit, the high and lofty pulpit, and the modernistic pulpit.
The History of the Evolutionary Concept (Concluded)
The evolutionary theory, instead of solving the origin of all things, is actually an evolution of thought; a mutation of ideas, and a natural selection of theory with adaptation to the philosophy of time.
Evangelism Among the Spanish People in North America
Public evangelism as carried on among English-language people in North America generally differs widely from the evangelistic approach made to foreign-language people in this world division. There is one exception to this rule—the work for the Spanish-speaking peoples.