Youth Campaign in Dar es Salaam

The challenge of evangelism fires the zeal of the Lord's servants!

CYRIL M. BENDER, Union Evangelist, Tanzania Union

The challenge of evangelism fires the zeal of the Lord's servants! In Dar es Sa­laam, Tanzania, our Voice of Youth cam­paign was a venture of faith. We experi­mented on two main points, and the results were most encouraging. First, the meetings were held in our own church building, and although the attendance was not as good as it might have been had we held the meet­ings in a neutral place, we were encouraged by the response, and especially so when backsliders were seen among the audience.

Second, we began our meetings at 7:00 P.M. instead of the usual 5:00 P.m. This hour is almost unknown as a time of meet­ing in Tanzania, but we believe the change from routine did not detract from our meet­ings.

My associates were the young people of our church, and one night a week they had full responsibility for the program. Fifteen dear people took their stand and were bap­tized, and the holding of the meetings in the church raised the spiritual tone of the entire membership. This brought great re­joicing to my heart. I am soon to celebrate my third birthday in solo public evange­lism and once again I want to dedicate my all to the winning of souls for my Master.




CYRIL M. BENDER, Union Evangelist, Tanzania Union

March 1966

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