OUR decision series runs for twenty-three consecutive nights followed by five nights of baptismal classes. Before the meetings start we plan a baptism for the last Sabbath morning of the series and an other baptism one week later. In ten years of evangelism—sometimes in very small places where we had no church—God has always been true to His promise: "Let ministers and lay members go forth into the ripening fields. They will find their harvest wherever they proclaim the for gotten truths of the Bible."—Christian Service, p. 67.
From the very first night of a decision series we begin asking for decisions on the basis of what has been presented. After proving a point from the Bible we will say, "Now we all see that, don't we? How many of you can see that this is so? Would you raise your hands?" I raise my hand as I ask the question, suggesting the response I desire. You must be careful to call for a response on a point to which the majority of your congregation will readily assent, so that you do not divide your audience.
At the close of every sermon we make an appeal for decision in some form or another. The decision is indicated by the raising of the hand. Some of the decisions called for are as follows:
How many of you want to be especially remembered in the closing prayer?
How many of you want to prepare for a home in the earth made new?
How many of you believe that God has revealed His will to you in this message tonight?
How many of you are determined to let nothing hinder you from hearing this series through?
How many of you are willing to take one more step in following Jesus tonight?
How many of you are determined to follow Jesus all the way?
A Step at a Time
We keep impressing upon the people that the Christian life is a matter of following Jesus one step at a time. By illustration and affirmation we encourage our hearers to incorporate into their thinking every new truth learned and to lay aside every error revealed. We keep repeating the principle that in order to grow in the Christian life, we must not only believe every truth revealed but live in accordance with every truth understood. When people are taught to make progressive decisions the final decision to unite with God's commandment-keeping people is just one more step. If a person cannot make a decision to accept one segment of truth it is certain that he will not be able to accept the entire message that we bear all in one step. The importance of progressive decisions cannot be overemphasized.
We present the Sabbath at the end of our first week of meetings. The counsel in Evangelism, page 229, warns us that in a short series of meetings we should not "defer the presentation of the Sabbath question until everything else is presented." Men and women need time to weigh the evidence presented in favor of the Sabbath before being called upon to make a decision. When a decision is called for prematurely, the result is usually a negative decision.
The Public Call
Our first call forward comes one week after the presentation of the Sabbath question. On both Friday and Saturday evenings at the close of the second week of meetings we have altar calls. On those evenings we shorten all preliminaries and plan to conclude the sermon and begin the call by eight-thirty. Thus, even with a thirty-minute call, the meeting is over by nine o'clock. There is no pressure during the altar call other than the pressure of the Holy Spirit. We mention that these quiet times when the voice of God can speak to our hearts are the most beautiful part of our service. The invitation is given to three groups: (1) "Those of you who have previously given your hearts to Jesus, but who have found additional light and truth. Even though you may be a member of a church, or even a church officer, you want to let the Lord know to night that you plan to keep walking with Him all the way." (2) "Those of you who for the first time tonight want publicly to take your stand for Christ. Perhaps you have never been baptized and you want to prepare to follow Jesus in the matter of baptism. You will be given time and opportunity to study until every point of faith is clear." (3) "Those of you who have known Christ and His message but have slipped and drifted away, but tonight you want to come back. If you are in any one of these three groups, would you stand to your feet and come forward now."
The Bible Class
Those who come forward are invited to attend a special Bible class to begin on Sunday evening either before or after the regular meeting, and to continue for five consecutive nights. It is explained that this class is so important that if it should be necessary for someone to miss one class, we will call on him before the next class to make up the lesson that is missed. Most of those in the class will be prepared for baptism the following Sabbath.
Two more altar calls are held on the last two nights of the series. A second baptismal class is held during the five nights immediately following the close of the public meetings. The strongest converts are those who are prepared for baptism and baptized as soon as possible after making their decision. A delay on the part of the minister at this point provides opportunity for Satan to work by bringing about doubts, discouragement, and opposition. These devices of the enemy are much better withstood by one who is safe within the fold than by one who is still on the outside waiting to get in. Let's get them in just as soon as they can be adequately prepared. There is no Biblical warrant for putting converts on probation. It is within the church and not outside that souls grow to Christian maturity.
Personal Work
In our visiting on the days preceding the altar calls we attempt to remove obstacles to decision and to prepare prospects for the call. Some obstacles to decision that should be dealt with by personal work in advance of the call are as follows:
1. A doctrine not clearly understood.
2. A Sabbath work problem.
3. A tobacco problem.
4. Family ties.
5. Church ties.
6. Fear of financial obligations connected with church membership, tithing, et cetera.
When we find a person is in harmony with all that he has heard thus far in the meetings, we encourage him to take a stand for what he understands. We tell him when the invitation is to be given in the meetings and suggest that by going forward he will strengthen himself and be an encouragement to others. This matter of setting up prospects for the call is very important.
If we expect favorable decisions, we must teach people to pray, for how can one make right decisions without prayer? We must lead people to depend upon the promises of God's Word. The Bible provides many positive promises that build faith. We repeat these over and over again in our preaching and in our personal work.
Let your entire manner manifest confidence that the prospect will make a favorable decision. Express your confidence in words such as "You're going to make it!" This is just the encouragement that some souls need. Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm generates enthusiasm and inspires decision.
Decision-making Suggestions
A recent survey revealed that the primary interests of the average American today are survival and security. Weave into your sermons decision statements appealing to these interests. A few examples follow:
Our only true security is in following truth. Error always leads to disappointment.
Truth will finally triumph. You want to be on the winning side. We never win our loved ones by compromising.
Indecision upsets the whole family. The sooner you decide for the right, the sooner your family will find happiness.
It isn't more time that you need; it's more decision.
Do not oversell. Make your point and then call for a decision. The attention span of most people today is short. The Spirit of Prophecy counsels us to give short, pointed messages, and to spend more time in personal work. "If words are not spoken at the right moment, calling for decision from the weight of evidence already presented, the convicted ones pass on without identifying themselves with Christ, the golden opportunity passes, and they have not yielded, and they go farther and farther away from the truth."—Evangelism, p. 283.
"Many a precious soul balances for a time, and then takes his position on the side of error, because he does not have this personal effort at the right time."—Ibid., p. 425.
Let every doctrine be presented as a manifestation of the love of Jesus, remembering that "while the claims of the law of God are to be presented to the world, we should never forget that love—the love of Christ—is the only power that can soften the heart and lead to obedience" (ibid., pp. 484, 485).
Unless your messages lead people to know God and to love Him you will have no basis for appeal to Christian commitment. Before a man proposes marriage he must win the heart of the lady of his choice. Even then he may not get a favorable decision the first time he asks for it.
To sum up the matter of gaining favor able decisions:
1. Let your appeal be based on the motivation of love after providing sufficient information.
2. Ask for a decision. (This is so important. Often we fail to get decisions simply because we do not ask for them. Do not let anything stop you from making altar calls.)
3. If you do not get a favorable decision the first time you ask, ask again.