It Will Be Finished in the Far East

ASIA is people . . . people with a destiny." These words from the pen of Paul Thomas Welty seem appropriate as an introduction to a report on the challenge and the unfinished task of evangelism in East and Southeast Asia. . .

ASIA is people . . . people with a destiny." These words from the pen of Paul Thomas Welty seem appropriate as an introduction to a report on the challenge and the unfinished task of evangelism in East and Southeast Asia.

Four thousand miles from Northern Japan to Indonesian Timor in the south and approximately 5,000 miles from the tip of Sumatra on the west to the Mar shall Islands dotting the vast Pacific, the Far Eastern Division is made up of 14 nations and four territories with a combined population nearing 375 million. Major among these nations as far as population is concerned is Indonesia, the largest Moslem nation in the world, with 125 million, and Japan, which has just passed the 100 million mark.

This report will focus attention on the following five areas of concern: (1) the challenge we face in 1970, (2) current activity for Christ, (3) our potential, (4) our needs, and (5) the greatest need.

I. The Challenge We Face in 1970

It could be summed up by simply saying, "The challenge we face in 1970 is a task yet unfinished in our portion of Asia." But let us note a few facts that turn our assignment into what Paul described as the "good fight of faith" and a struggle "against . . . wickedness in high places."

For several years now the doors of opportunity to engage in active evangelism have been closed in North Korea, North Vietnam, and Cambodia. When they will open, if they ever do, only God knows.

Except for the Philippines, which is 85 per cent Roman Catholic, the Christian population in the entire Far East is a bare 5 percent of the total. Japan, with less than 1 million Christians and one Seventh-day Adventist for every 13,700 people, presents a formidable challenge; yet think of Buddhist Thailand with one member to 19,476.

The non-Christian religions are reviving their own missionary spirit and are becoming more and more sensitive to the inroads of Christianity. Their attitude in general is perhaps best summed up by Mr. Vijayavardhana, of Ceylon, in his book Revolt in the Temple. "The Christian nations of the world . . . are the world's best exponents and practitioners of imperialism and militarism." In an area where the shackles of colonialism have been so recently thrown off, Christianity in general is regarded with suspicion and caution.

The Christian churches continue to present a confused message to the masses with their wide range of interpretation of what constitutes the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is little wonder that the late Mahatma Gandhi declared, "We don't want your Christianity, but we want your Christ."

Jesus Christ is still the only Saviour of Shintoist, Buddhist, Moslem, Animist, Christian, or any other. The challenge of 1970 in the Far East is to proclaim His name quickly in areas where the doors are open and to pray earnestly that other doors will open so the task can be finished soon.

II. Current Activity for Christ

Far East Harvest symbolizes the current evangelistic activity in East and Southeast Asia. This is a division-wide crusade uniting all departments of the church in an endeavor to harvest the results of years of seed-sowing.

This program, coordinated from the division level along to the individual church, has a fourfold objective: (1) to place a Bible with study guides in the hands of every interest, (2) to hold revival/decision meetings in every church, (3) to thoroughly prepare prospective members for baptism, (4) to involve new members in service for Christ.

Public evangelism is being emphasized in all countries where conditions will permit, through the example given by our dedicated foreign and national ministerial secretaries.

III. Our Potential

Christ said, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth." A witness is to tell what he knows. "As witnesses for Christ, we are to tell what we know, what we ourselves have seen and heard and felt."—The Desire of Ages, p. 340.

In the Far East there is a potential for great witness in the 230,000 laymen, church officers, and ministers. I say potential because many are waiting while others are carrying the load. If these idle work men can be inspired to move into the line of battle, our 17,680 baptisms for 1969 could be increased several times under the blessing of God.

Much seed has been sown through the years. Thousands of interests are waiting to be nurtured by Spirit-filled Christians in preparation for the church's most fruitful hour of harvest.

IV. Our Needs

There are many needs, but I will mention only a few of the more prominent ones.

We need more evangelism in the large cities. For decades the church has concentrated on the smaller centers. The great cities must not be neglected much longer or it will be too late.

There is need to find ways of reaching more of those in the educated classes with the gospel. A beginning has been made through our English-language schools in Japan, Korea, and Indonesia.

Our Bible correspondence courses have been a major influence in nearly twenty-five percent of all baptisms over the past twenty-five years. Many of the courses are in desperate need of updating.

Our task of warning the millions could be hastened on if we had the means to in crease our use of the mass media avenues of radio and television. In Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and on Taiwan the doors are open wide today.

V. The Greatest Need

"A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs."—Selected Messages, book 1, p. 121. The Holy Spirit in our lives is the secret of true godliness. He is the key to a right relationship with God and one another. The Spirit alone can bring a response in surrendered lives that will result in needed funds' being placed in the Lord's treasury to help finish the task. The Spirit of God in you and me and others will empower us to speak with boldness God's last warning message to people—people with a destiny.

Those who receive the Spirit in the early rain experience of confessing known sin and stepping into line with revealed truth will receive the latter rain, and then the task will be finished in the Far East and around the world.

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June 1970

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