How do you say "Hello"?

An informative tabloid can introduce your church to people who might otherwise never think of you at all.

Mr. Screen is an active layman and professional consultant involved in assisting churches in the area of communication strategy.


As the old saying goes, "You never have a second chance for a first impression." Here's a suggestion on how to introduce positively your church, its people, and its ministry to the unchurched people in your community. A good, upbeat, first-impression tabloid can help build a positive image in the minds of the people in your ministry area about your church. It won't change the experiences they have after they "try" your church you're responsible for living up to the first impression. Nevertheless, it can have an impact on how the people in your community perceive your church and whether or not they see something there they want.

Some observations

The congregation should take the initiative to tell people about the church and its activities. It's not good enough just to announce the sermon title and time of worship service, then wait (often in vain) for new people to come.

The piece should be designed for use in a variety of ways—direct mailing to homes, handouts at church services, distribution through local businesses, presentation by church members to friends.

Say Hello more than once. The church needs a continuing program of sharing information with the people in the community.

All communication from your church to unchurched people should emphasize your desire to do something for them, not for them to do something for you. The more you know about the needs and concerns of people in your community, the more effective you will be in describing your services in a way that will generate interest and meet needs.

Be careful to use language and graphic illustrations that are familiar to the unchurched. In particular, use a title that the unchurched will understand. Don't shy away from dealing with religious concerns or values, but discuss them in ways and words the unchurched will comprehend.

The spiritual commitment and motivation of the church, and its members, should be clearly demonstrated by the nature of the activities described. Like wise, comments of members quoted in articles should relate the meaning and the reality of their Christian faith to everyday life.


Here's a format suggestion chosen for its economy, readability, use of photo graphs, and flexibility in handling a variety of information.

I suggest a tabloid format, approximately 11 by 17 inches (page size), with 4 to 12 pages. About 40 percent of the space should be used for lots of good-quality photos of people of all ages, en joying various church activities. Each photo should be captioned, noting who it is and what's going on, why it's an enjoyable or beneficial activity to those involved, and when and where someone who was interested could get involved. Articles should be short (300 words or less), with a good headline that tells, in a few words, something about the most compelling asset of the subject dis cussed.

The brochure can be reprinted once a year with updated copy and photos. Mail each issue to every home in the community, using a nonprofit bulk rate postal permit. Print enough extra copies to give to visitors throughout the year and leave them in offices, stores, and shops in your community. Give a copy to every adult and young person in your church. (You may be surprised by what your own members don't know about their church.) Encourage members to give copies personally to friends and acquaintances throughout the year.

Items that should be included

  • A simple map showing the church location. Also a map of the church facilities, accompanied by a list of regular events and meeting places.
  • Address and phone number of the church.
  • A warm, friendly welcome by the pastor that expresses his sincere interest in the reader, and the desire of the church to be a loving, caring, supportive community of faith.
  • Staff photos and descriptions of their responsibilities.
  • Descriptions of programs and activities for each age and interest group.
  • First-person stories of what people are finding meaningful about the church and their faith.
  • Photo of your sanctuary full of people participating in the worship service. Photos and descriptions of the church's services to the community, such as child care, schools, meals on wheels, day care, transportation services, counseling, et cetera.
  • A short article titled "Here's How to Get Involved," with specific suggestions on who to contact or what to do for different age groups, families, singles, et cetera.
  • A schedule of Sunday-morning and other weekly activities.
  • An invitation to join in any of the church's activities that are of interest, along with an offer of personal help and assistance from the church staff when ever desired.

    Production and mailing

    Form a communications task force from people in the church with the fol lowing skills: editor, writer, artist for design and layout, photographer, and someone with good administrative ability. If all the right people aren't available in your church fellowship, try to hire needed help on a project basis for a prearranged fee. Don't stop just because volunteers are not available. The story needs to be told. Often the first issue is the most difficult, and more people will be found to help on subsequent issues. Get hold of as many samples as possible of what other churches have done and discuss what's most appropriate for your own publication.

    Look for a printer that does this type and size of publication regularly on high-durability newsprint or offset paper. Check with the publisher of your local community paper. He may be able to print it for you, or give you leads on who could. It's a good idea to get two or more prices to find out who can print it most economically.

    It's best to print your nonprofit permit on the brochure and leave room for a mailing label. This will save the expense of a mailing envelope. Be sure to check with a knowledgeable person about the size and location of the label area and the meeting of postal requirements.

    Check with a local lettershop or mailing service for the best local source of a mailing list to residents of houses and apartments in your area. An occupant list is fine for a mailing like this. Rent the address list for one-time use, and the addresses will be supplied on mailing labels.


    Don't hide your light under a bushel. Tell all the people in your community what's happening in your church for them. Show what it means to the people who are involved and tell them in a compelling way, so that they too might discover the meaning of Christian fellowship and faith in God.

Used by permission of Church Growth: America magazine. An example of one church's publication that highlights many of the areas mentioned in this article is available from Church Growth: America. Send $1 for postage and handling to 150 S. Los Robles, Suite #600, Pasadena, California 91101.
Mr. Screen is an active layman and professional consultant involved in assisting churches in the area of communication strategy.

November 1980

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