J. L. Butler
Chaplain, Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital Nashville, Tennessee
Word Power
EVERY detonation of an atomic device is a demonstration of the awesome, tremendous power of the word of Cod. Creation deals with anabolism, synthesis, the putting together and holding together of earth's component parts. The atomic bomb deals with catabolism, the breaking apart of that which God's word put together. As we reverently study the Creation and diligently consider the laws of nuclear fission, we begin to behold vast vistas of the power inherent in the creative word of God. God wishes His children to recognize the power of His word and He also wants us to be aware of the power in our own words. . .
Let's Talk About It
THE basic ingredient of a relationship is communication. Relationships cannot be initiated or viably maintained without some level of communicative exchange. Many of man's needs go unsatisfied or, worse still, unrecognized without some medium to express and respond to these needs. . .
Listen to the Man!
The congregation faced a serious financial dilemma. The members, old and young, knew that something had to be done to meet the emergency. They knew they needed a workable plan that the larger part of the congregation would accept and work to implement. All looked to the pastor for leadership. . .
"He Praiseth Her"
WELL honey, how did it go?" The pastor had studied well, prayed much, and given himself fully as the messenger for the worship hour. He was anxious for feed back from a pew sitter's point of view. How was his sermon accepted? Now driving home after church he awaited his wife's reply. A moment of silence and then it came, hesitantly, "It was a wonderful text, dear. . ."
How to Be the Boss
Don't be like the leader who said, "There go my people; I must follow them, for I am their leader."
Displaying Our Literature
Giving our literature greater prominence through better display.