Margit Strom Heppenstall

Minister's Wife, Loma Linda, California

Shepherdess-The "King's Daughters'

For over eight years the wives of theological students at La Sierra College have worked and studied together in the Kappa Delta Club, the Greek letters in this case standing for the name "King's Daughters."

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The Minister's Wife in Relationship to Her Children

HAVE your children come home and complained of their playmates calling them P.K.'s? It seems that "preacher's kids" is an epithet often hurled at them by those who classify them as being different from other children. Because their dad is a minister they are presumed to be more saintly than any other breed, excluded from participation in many a normal childhood exploit. If they do participate and get into mischief, there are others who would censure them far more severely than their peers, because they are expected to do better. . .

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The Minister's Wife in Relationship to Her Church

The pastor of a church, as a good undershepherd, follows in his Master's footsteps. In innumerable big and little ways he lays down his life for his flock every day, as their needs and demands reach in and touch his very life. So should it be with his wife. Next to her duties to God, husband, and children, and intertwined with all three, come her duties to the church. A minister and his wife belong to the people in a unique way. Their commitment is unlike the obligation of any other professional couple. . .

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The Minister's Wife in Her Relationship to Her Husband

AND the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him" (Gen. 2:18). . .

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The Minister's Wife in Her Relationship to God

THIS topic is as vast and as deep as Christian experience itself. One attempts the impossible when trying to confine it within the limits of a single article. Only a few issues will be touched on with hope that readers may want to study further independently. . .

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Basic Relationships of the Minister's Wife

I AGREE that we have many problems and challenges as ministers' wives. But above all else, let us emphasize the wonderful privilege we have in working for God along with our husbands. This is the greatest thing in the world!"

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