We have this assuring promise from our great Commander regarding His Word: "It shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper." With this precious promise, the weakest of God's workers may go forward.
Here in the land of the pagoda, God's Word is powerful. Yea, it must not, it cannot, be otherwise. When our ministry is powerless, it brings reproach on our Redeemer. With definite plans we must step forward.
First in importance in advancing in evangelism I should place the preparation of Bible workers, We must work within small budgets in the mission field, and it is not often that a regular Bible worker is included in the corps of the evangelist. But there are willing church members. The layman's Bible training course affords a good preparation. Members finishing these courses are often able to give from one to five Bible studies a week. As an effort moves forward, these laymen may be appointed to work with certain individuals. They soon catch your enthusiasm, and watch for every new step of advance on the part of the interested one. They will pray and work with you.
Next in importance comes the location. But alas, how often we search every street, to find that the one or two places that are suitable and well located are far beyond the budget allotted. However, we are now studying the possibility of a tabernacle. When this is provided and placed on a prominent corner, it will go far toward meeting our objective.
In the field of newspaper advertising, we find that there is usually one paper that will give much free space. One small paper gave us one to two columns a week for write-ups. Along with this we have used a neat card, four by six inches, usually printed on both sides, to announce the topics of the coming week. These are ready for distribution at the Friday night lecture.
Within the first week, perhaps at the close of the first lecture, a large part of the audience will raise their hands when asked if they would like literature on the subject of the lecture. The ushers quickly place a name-and-address card in the hands of all who respond, and gather these cards at the door as the meeting is dismissed. This procedure is followed al- least once a week throughout the lectures. Later on, these address cards may be used to indicate definite decisions, such as keeping the Sabbath or paying tithes.
These cards are invaluable to the evangelist. He learns new names, and as fast as he can, visits the homes of these people, answers questions, prays with them, and soon makes appointments for Bible studies. In this way he learns to recognize certain people in the audience, and is able to greet, some of them by name at the close of the lecture. From these weekly address cards, one may make a permanent report for each family, such as Elder Sbuler has suggested.
Once or twice a week we have the ushers wait at the door with a Present Truth on the topic of the evening. This causes people to rethink the subject they have heard, and perhaps causes some of them to find their neglected Bibles and read the texts for themselves. That is what the evangelist must pray and work for. It is then that the Holy Spirit has opportunity to mellow the heart and perform His work.
At the last lecture a strong appeal will bring those who have been following step by step, to the front for special prayer. Dismiss your audience with this prayer, and then ask those who have come forward to be seated a few moments. With a few words of encouragement, place in their hands a copy of "Steps to Christ," telling them that you have another helpful book for them as soon as they have read this one. Later give them "The Sufferings of Christ," "The Wonderful Father," and other numbers of the Pocket Companion series.
Before you dismiss this special group, make appointments for cottage meetings. Then be sure that all are able to get to one or another of these meetings, where the interested soul learns how to study the Bible and how to pray, and conies to look forward to regular gatherings of the church. While these meetings are in progress the evangelist must be found on his knees more than ever, for if he walks humbly with God, he will be able in a few weeks to lead reborn souls into the watery grave of baptism.
We in Burma need the prayers of our fellow evangelists. May we learn more of the power of God in seeking the salvation of souls.