Substituting in a Minister's District

I think all Bible workers will agree that they are in the height of their glory when they are right in the midst of an inspiring and successful evangelistic campaign. But it has fallen to my lot several times to take over and finish up the loose ends after an evangelist has closed his meetings and gone.

By ADDIE MAE KALAR, Bible Worker, Southeastern Nebraska

I think all Bible workers will agree that they are in the height of their glory when they are right in the midst of an inspiring and successful evangelistic campaign. Cam­paign work is supposed to be our work pri­marily. But it has fallen to my lot several times to take over and finish up the loose ends after an evangelist has closed his meetings and gone. Or, as at present, to supervise a district of churches ! Such a task brings joy along with burdens and responsibilities. Yes, it means teaching at least one Sabbath school class and giving one or more reviews each Sabbath, besides supplying two services with interesting, timely Bible studies. Prayer meet­ings, too, must be revived, and of course regular Bible lessons must be given to prema­ture members as well as the newly interested.

Following up the work of a young evan­gelist means strengthening every department of the church, including the financial side. Many churches are in a discouraging, pitiful condition because they have never even heard of a church-expense budget. Along with this phase, stress may be laid on faithfulness in the payment of tithe. To keep a church school going, and at the same time pay up the back debt, is no small item either, but helping along this line sometimes is a part of our task.

The Dorcas Society usually needs new en­thusiasm, and in some places such a society needs to be organized. Just as the Sabbath school and other departments of the church are not only willing to cooperate, but delighted to advance and improve, so the Dorcas women appreciate working toward something worthy, and, too, they enjoy the social contact. Right in this group you will find your best officers, and also a committee for church socials. The Bible worker is often expected to lead out with the social side of church affairs.

Then, too, Harvest Ingathering goals must be reached. This is not a few days' work in a district. A fresh supply of courage and enthusiasm is needed each day for weeks. Much prayer, wisdom, and help from the Lord are necessary.

I have had some wonderful experiences during the past year. My heart has thrilled as I have noted the progress made in different departments of the churches, and the number of souls won. But I am looking forward to a delightful change soon in being connected with another evangelistic campaign.

By ADDIE MAE KALAR, Bible Worker, Southeastern Nebraska

December 1940

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